How about the ability to use controllers with the game?

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by LightningZombie, Apr 6, 2012.

  1. I wouldn't think it be too difficult they would just need to make a key that opens chest and picks up items next to you instead of just walking into them normally you have to click it with your mouse I think this action can be replaced and items in your inventory can be highlighted instead of you click and dragging. As an example instead of walking into the trap you would pick it up. You would need to make sure your facing it though.
  2. SkyMuffin

    SkyMuffin Member

    i was actually thinking about this yesterday. it would be a lot easier on me for longer sessions to have a controller and be able to sit back rather than always be right on the mouse.
  3. yes they would have to add new features to the game such as highlighting on objects in your inventory to know you have selected them. The only thing I can foresee a problem with is all those menu's they would have to make like the start button bring up a list of them rather than each individual one.
  4. Loerwyn

    Loerwyn Member

    Hm. I'm not sure, but I think it could work.

    I could see it working like this:
    D-Pad - Movement
    LB - Belt (use L/R on D-Pad to select, A to use)
    RB - Skills (same as LB)
    A - Attack/Use
    X - Belt 1
    B - 'Back'/Exit
    Y - Skill 1
    Start - Menu
    Back - Crafting, w/ LB and RB scrolling up and down between station, D-Pad Up/Down for recipes.

    Only problem is - how do you equip stuff? It might be worth adding a sort of drop-down menu when an item in the inventory is selected which allows you to select the relevant slot or drop it. So if you selected a Copper Ring, you'd get three options - Ring 1, Ring 2, Drop.
  5. well they could implement a small drop down menu when you select items in your inventory use/equip 1/equip 2/drop/put in belt so actually it would be 5 if its food eat or the word use would come up but you would need the option to stick it in your belt as well plus we would need another new menu for interchanging skills its quite possible to get more than the skills bar holds the controller would have to switch from A being to attack/use to selecting a skill or belt item when you press the LB or RB buttons
  6. Aquaman

    Aquaman Member

    Well, you actually can play with a controller. Just re-map the controller to act as both a mouse and keyboard input.
  7. Thats a hassle for most players and why do that when if they make it playable with a controller the game could be ported or other such marketing features right now only computers and touch screens really can have this game because of how much of it requires a mouse and keyboard and don't forget that not everyone knows how to remap the controllers.
  8. Aquaman

    Aquaman Member

    I know what you mean, however I cant imagine the developers implementing this feature to DoD. Mainly because I cant imagine DoD using controllers. Or more accurately, I can imagine it and it is not pretty.

    But for those curious enough to want to try a controller I personally use a program called MotionInJoy to remap controllers and such. It can be found here. It should be able to allow xbox/ps3 controllers to function on your computer also.
  9. Yeah well I can see how it might be a mess to make the menu's and the controller work with the game as it is but I can also see how a controller would be nice to have for this game
  10. Lorrelian

    Lorrelian Member


    >_< It's just a typo, restrain yourself.