I have a couple of questions about the way the day / night timer and the games internal clock work, as I'm putting together a couple of videos regarding the role of crops in Clockwork Empires. Perhaps someone could kindly furnish me with answers? Looking at world.edb, I see: I take this to mean daytime lasts 6 minutes, and night lasts 2 minutes, and each game 'tick' is one tenth of a second, is that correct? And looking at the crops.edb, entry for Maize, I see: So this first stage of Maize growth lasts 142 tenths of a second, or 14.2 seconds. Do I have that right?
Yeah, that's correct. Nope! You'll note that it says stage time SECONDS. That means the stage is 142 seconds long. If it was 142 gameticks, Maize would reach harvestable state in just over a minute and you'd be harvesting your crops 5+ times a day.
We try to execute one entire world simulation tick in 100 msec, or 1/10th of a second on your machine. We don't always do it, which means that I have to go back and optimize.
Is there anything done with the various figures during runtime that may deliver different end results? For example if a task is slated to take xxx seconds, is that just a base figure that's fed in during runtime and then various behaviour to do with skill proficiency, traits, environmental factors etc act on those base figures to output a different end result? Or is there very little runtime altering of base figures making it possible to actually theorycraft entire run throughs of situations by treating them isolated things outside the game and be able to map out exactly how things will go across 1,2 even 3 hours of real time?