As the title says, how many floors will the buildings have? Because so far I haven´t seen even one building having more than one. I haven´t seen stairs ore anything like that. Not even seen any different high-levels in the terrain. Or did I miss something?
I did some digging with a sled team of diggles through the blogs and found where I remember multiple story buildings from: It seems that they at least have designed things for a two story structures. That is probably the limit since, from looking at the screenshots and scale of things, anything larger would block out and hide other things.
My guess is everything is just one Z-level. For example, I don't think you can actually see into mines, etc.
Well a second floor for a building wouldn't be as hard to implement and wouldn't be as intensive on game resources as say, 30 map wide z levels of underground with dungeons, resources, gems, and artifacts being placed, AI pathfinding etc. That's why I'm going out on a limb and guessing a simple second story to a building is more likely than underground. Though on the underground z levels, the devs in other comments have expressed desires to have pull up maps for mines that give you a 2D map like overlay (one of the devs said a possible crudely drawn map on parchment) of the interiors, findings, and floors of the mines as the miners dig it out and explore. So there might be multiple Z levels, they just won't be given the level of detail and attention the surface world is given.
Not sure where that's from, but it's not an official dev statement Two thoughts: 1. Ever play The Sims and attempt to use multiple floors in a house? It was a pain to use and subtracted from enjoyment of the game, especially when trying to watch multiple people do stuff. We don't want that problem. 2. On mining and z-levels: This is not a game which is fundamentally about mining or digging out mountains to build underground cities. Our characters aren't dwarves, so it'd be innapropriate to focus the game on dwarf-like things. Plus, it introduces difficulties with clearly expressing what is going on in the game. These can be overcome, but it's thematically inappropriate to focus on them. So my answer is, vaguely: If we indeed have what people are referring to as "z-levels", they would not be as comprehensive as DF because we're not trying to make a game that's like DF in that respect.
You're forcing the sunlight upon my colonists! Just kidding, of course. All that makes a lot of sense
I went back and looked again and I read the comment entirely wrong, apparently the person that replied to my comment in the dev blogs wasn't a dev and I thought they were (because I'm not entirely sure who the gaslamp games crew is outside of the founding three.) My bad on that part. Also I understand the whole "no multiple z-level" reasons, but I'm still a little disappointed houses won't have a second floor. It might make things seem a bit, flat. Also how will the upper class look down on people?
...Good point *writes down this for colony ideas* Though I hope it would be relatively easy for as modder to add a second floor.
Meh, I was prepared for the no underground-statement, but actualy having it confirmed that there won´t even be a second floor REALLY disapoints. I can understand your points but come on. No large villas for the upper class? And wasn´t there some talk about megaprojects? How will those even look like if they can´t be higher than the average building? Also it would have been fun to build Fortress or watchtowerlike buildings for my military. O well, guess I´ll wait tll we can see soem actual gameplay before hoping for anything more. Note to myself: Stop having such damm high expectations about projects that are interesting...
Maybe the upperclass villas will be single-story, but 50 feet tall anyway. After all, it's the lowerclass that has to hang the chandeliers for them...
I would, ah, contend that I did not entirely say the things you are assuming in these statements. Here's what I said: It will not work like DF. We won't have underground complexes. We don't want it to be like the Sims.
Yeah, my understanding of this game is the part they are really trying to emulate from DF is the story aspect..and I guess the colonization aspect but that is where it ends in most regards. This doesn't seem like a game where you can build whatever like DF or minecraft etc so it won't fit that nitch; but what it will do is provide a very pretty interface that allows you to construct a colony and experience emergent gameplay through events and character self determinsm. I think this will be a great game; it is incorrect to look at it as a different version of DF. I love DF; but DF is many ways not even really a game in the traditional sense. clockworkempires offers many improvements over DF, Rim World, and Planet Explorers; but those game also have things to offer which aren't here (well..actually I'm not so sure RIm world wins least not yet)
So there might be a second floor, but it won't be a Sims style second floor? Or there won't be a second floor but there will be things that resemble a second floor? Orrrr there won't be a second floor but there will be large buildings? This is getting confusing. Meh, I'm thinking too hard on this. Anyways welcome to the Clockwork Empires Official Forums, where you can find discussions on whether or not a house can have a second floor!
Actually..because of the difficulty in transmitting mechanical power to a second floor; the current leading figures in the church of the Holy Cog look down upon second floors and therefore, as a newly installed governor (who recently passed "the mechanical") you could never even imagine a second floor and therefore the question is moot.
Are you mocking the great Cog? Two giant Cogs on a wall could very easly transport hte power a noble oculd ever hope for in his second floor. And don´t get me started on vertically steampipes... And sorry Daniel if I misuderstood, but you DID say: "1. Ever play The Sims and attempt to use multiple floors in a house? It was a pain to use and subtracted from enjoyment of the game, especially when trying to watch multiple people do stuff. We don't want that problem." Which I (and some others I pressume) would interpret as: There will be no second floor. And all I wanted to say is that I think that would take away from the atmosphere. I understand that the building aspect isn´t the most important thing in your game, but the characters. But those characters need adequate houses. A noble needs a big house, or the story get´s ridicoulus. But as I said, I´ll better wait and look how this will continue to look like in future builds. O and by all means: I mean no offense and am sorry if it seemed like I did. The game still looks great and is a 99% buy for me (so long as it doesn´t become a bug-riddled riot). Just giving my thoughts.
1. I'm not Daniel, I'm David! 2. Just to be absolutely clear, my statement might vaguely imply all kinds of things (which was the idea) but nowhere does it outright state that "there will be no second floor". I'm being vague on purpose. I don't want to promise anything on behalf of Gaslamp Games that we are not reasonably sure we can deliver and at this point our development of such features is not finished. As for nobles, yes, I agree that they need grand houses. I'm not making any promises as to what "grand" means though!
I assume this means servants that sleep in servants quarters, not connected to the actual home of course who wants those dirty commoners having access to your noble abode.