How to remove living monolith corpse??

Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by Llamami, Jul 27, 2015.

  1. Llamami

    Llamami Member

    It stuck in my town after dead. and everyone creep out when saw it.
    how do I remove it? can it be rot away once time pass?
  2. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    Hi! I love that it just creeps everyone out. But there is indeed a ticket logged on my TODO to do something with Obeliskian corpses:, and it's OC-3400.
  3. Kiojan

    Kiojan Member

    You should probably be able to set a policy regarding their corpses once you destroy one. Something along the lines of...

    "Your brave soldiers have managed to dispatch of these eldritch horrors! However, questions remain concerning what should be done with their stony husks...

    Cut them into blocks and use them as masonry. Stone is still stone, right?
    [colonists will 'butcher' dead Obeliskians for stone blocks; doing so generates an unhappy thought]

    Take them far away and bash them into tiny pieces. It's the only way to make sure they STAY dead.
    [colonists will drag corpses outside the colony and destroy them with pickaxes; takes a bit of time, but otherwise no negative effects]

    We must study these strange creatures. Prepare the dissection table. Bring pickaxes!
    [corpses are treated as artifacts with a lower chance of yielding prestigious results and a small chance of reanimating while being studied; only one attempt can be made to study each corpse as they are dissected]"
    dbaumgart likes this.