Alright I've made a mod and put it up on Steam Workshop. I've just realized this bug, the game will not complete a save when I have the mod activated on the launcher. Saves don't seem to be affected from hen I play without the mod. Could there be something wrong my files? I have all the XML validated and all, I really don't know what could be the cause. I haven't used any other mods so I have no clue if it's something wrong in-game or my mod in specific. I have attached said mod.
I do not have the game installed at the moment, but I tried a few simple things to see if it would help. I will just post it here. The big changes are the removal of the sounds and sprites directories since they were empty, the removal of one exclamation mark and one underscore in the mod.xml and absolutely nothing else. I really doubt the exclamation mark or underscore matter, and it is easy enough to try it both ways if this does not fix it. The game can be very picky about exactly how it wants things to be in the xml. While it may at times be less ascetically pleasing to make it the way the game wants, it usually pays off to not have to debug stuff. I am about to go to sleep. If upon waking no-one has tried it to see if this fixes it then I will install the game and try myself.
Unable to sleep, I gave up and installed the game. I tried my own fix of your mod first and it worked fine. Saving works, and the game loads correctly too. Then I tried your version and it also worked... So I am confused. I fixed nothing. Have you tried verifying your DoD install via Steam or whatever vendor you got it from? Something is wrong, but your mod does not seem to be the problem.
Alright, I'm stilling having the problems. I can save when not using the mod and can access those saves whenever. However, any saves I make in game while using my mod seem to not appear.
Since you are using no other mods, I would try deleting your profile along with all your saves and then start DoD and exit. This should remake the profile with exception of the ./mods/ subdirectory. You can then try again with a entirely fresh build. (Presuming you have not already tried this.)
Alright , this is just incredibly peculiar. I've done that and still the problem persists. I'm through with my mod so I'll just never use it again.
Does your mod include any image files that were made using GIMP? That can sometimes make saves act wonky for some reason.
I am not sure, I collaborated with some other guys for art on the project(I was the coder and writer). I never knew about this bug, thanks for bringing it up. I can't really check on it, things went sour between the guys and me.
loading the image files in photoshop and exporting them again should probably fix whatever gimp broke