Well hello. First of all I don't know if I can ask for help in this forum, so if this is the wrong section I am really sorry (I am new here) Now I didn't want to post a post like that, asking for help. Because everything I need to know is on the wiki...but no I am new to modding, the only thing I want to mod in this game is only skills. I want to create my own skills. I tried really really hard.....but I can't understand anything. I downloaded some mods with skills and opened them. I tried to understand how skill and spells are bound and made some tests....but I really can't understand...and the tutorials aren't say anything about this matter. So the question is... How to create attacking spells/buff spells (spells that you activate and you have in your toolbar)? How to create passive spells? How to make a spell paste another spell (like an upgrade)? ------------------------------------------------------- I made some tests but I can't understand how you make a spell go on to your tool bar or make a spell passive, it seems that the "type" command doesn't help. So that is all. I hope someone can help me, and thanks for your time
If you want to copy anything from the main game, you can literally copy it. All the code you can use is in XML too. Otherwise you could go to Dredmod and learn about the code over there.
thats the problem. I have already tried creating a skill with the tutorials from thhe dredmod wiki, but I still can't understand how the skill and spells are bound
Adding <spell name=""/> to an <ability level=""> will give the player that spell on his toolbar when he gains that level in the skill. "Passive spells" is too broad of a term - in this context I think you mean an activatable passive spell. You could add a <spell name=""/> with the spell having a <buff> part to it, which would passively do the stuff inside of that buff when the spell is activated. You can't get one spell from a skilltree overwrite an existing one, BUT you could do this through a series of complex buff juggling tricks. I don't know the details, but I know it's certainly possible to make a spell change effects on different skill levels. This is not simple, and might not always work - which is why only the craziest on this forum attempt to make such things work. ---- I must say the skills tutorial is not very useful for people starting out- with all the text being so poorly formatted. The Skill System Reference has a list of every parameter and tag (probably all of them) you can use in a skillDB.xml file. There's System Reference on most xml files, which might or might not be more useful for starting out. ---- You're free to ask modding questions on this part of the forum, and if you want help on a specific part of code you could post that and tell what you want it to do. ---- The <spell type=""/> part is to change what tiles the spell hits. Buffs (more links) are for making passive abilities.