First let me say that this is not a MAJOR issue, and the Steam staff has been on this problem for a bit and nothing they've suggested has worked. So I figured I'd open this up to you guys. I've uninstalled and reinstalled STeam, I've deleted directories and had steam recreate them, I've edited the registry at one point, and so on, and yet... When I launch any of the community screens, they come up in Italian. Note that it's ONLY when I launch the community screen from the library screen (for example, if I click on Forums from the library screen, I get Italian. If I click on the forums button from the Store screen for a specific game, I don't. The difference is that on the Library screen it launches my web browser (in this case, Firefox). When I press the Forums button from the store screen, it simply loads the forums into Steam itself. And that works fine. Note that EVERY community page when I'm in Firefox is in Italian -- It's not just the forums.
Do you have this drop down menu? If so, I think it is what you need. (If the settings do not persist, then I have no idea how to make them persist.) *Edit* Also, you may want to try this too. There is a literal German option there for you Alistaire.
> (...) And I'm Dutch > (...) There is a literal German option there for you Alistaire. Well thanks, too bad Dutch people aren't German.
I am an American. Anyone who does not live next door to me is a freaking space-alien. (I am pretty ignorant of what languages are used throughout the world.)
OH MY GOD!!!! Thank you, Omni. Part of the reason why the problem seemed so absurd and baffling was that even with the Italian, everything about the problem was so inconsistent. At first I didn't even realize that it was only happening when Steam launched a browser. I didn't even figure out that part of it until after about 2 or three attempts by Steam's staff to fix it. And the fact that every other screen was in English made me think that "No, it absolutely couldn't be some setting". Furthermore there is more than one language setting -- and my other settings already set English. Why they need the language setting in multiple places, I'll never know. The program must be a hackneyed-together conglomeration of bits and pieces, of old and new parts, for something like this to even be possible. Thank you! My last message, btw, to STeam was "I guess I'll just have to learn Italian" lol, because I was just so tired of trying to fix it, I was all ready to just learn to live with it.
Yeah. Seventh from the top was what I misread. *Edit* To clarify, I saw "Deutsch" listed in the menu and failed to recognize the difference. Clearly I need my eyes or brain extracted and replaced.
You are most welcome Haldurson. One hit and one miss. Anyone know what Alistaire can do besides learn another language and be bitter at Steam with good reason?
Well all I can suggest is that you look at the OTHER place where Steam's tech guys had directed me to begin with to set my language -- here it is cut and pasted from our conversation:
I apologize to my fellow Americans who are not ignorant of other languages and cultures. I am. And that is used a a generalization. Disregard my ignorance. Not everyone here is a moron.