I need your help with Wikipedia

Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by Alephred, May 8, 2016.

  1. Alephred

    Alephred Royal Archivist for Queen And Empire

    Hey folks, I'm going to wear my Royal Archivist hat for this one:

    Clockwork Empires needs a proper Wikipedia entry:

    In fact, I've started up a stub page on Wikipedia, here: It is extremely bare-bones right now, and I need your help fixing that. Articles lacking enough information to make them notable by Wikipedia standards risk deletion by Wikipedia mods. To avoid that possibility, I need information in practically every field.

    Why does Clockwork Empires need a proper Wikipedia entry? I always assumed it would get one eventually.

    I think we can all agree Clockwork Empires is long overdue for a Wikipedia entry (it has it's own Gamepedia wikia, of which I am an admin, for goodness' sake), and who better to write it than a community of nitpickers, code detectives, and early adopters?

    Another reason relates to YouTube - videos on that service that specifically feature video games (for example, mine) are automatically grouped into 'Gaming' by YouTube, and further into specific titles, for searchability reasons, and reasons related to monetisation and YouTube Red and stuff, if I'm not mistaken. Basically, it's all to Clockwork Empires' benefit if YouTube can recognize it as a video game.

    One of the criteria for a game YouTube will officially recognize is a presence on Wikipedia - see where I'm going with this? We fill out the Wikipedia page, so YouTube will recognize Clockwork Empires exists, and the world in general can find information about Clockwork Empires.

    Why don't the Gaslamp Games Devs write it themselves?

    Well, they can certainly edit the page now that it exists, but creating the page in the first place would have been a no-no. Wikipedia frown on people and companies writing their own entries, for conflict of interest reasons. Still, there are things only Gaslamp Games can do, like uploading copyrighted promotional art.

    A note about Wikipedia:

    Wikipedia has many guidelines and rules about what is and is not notable, and allowable. No copyrighted artwork unless you own the rights, for example. And statements need to be cited whenever possible. No original research, etc. etc. Citations and stuff can come later, but it must eventually come.

    Your Empire Needs You! Will You Heed the Call?
    Last edited: May 8, 2016
    Alianin and dbaumgart like this.
  2. Alephred

    Alephred Royal Archivist for Queen And Empire

    Well crap. In less than 5 hours, It looks like some eagle-eyed mod decided it would more in keeping with Wikipedia's policies to delete the CE-specific page, and change it into a redirect to a slightly expanded Gaslamp Games entry. I still have the original page I whipped up in my sandbox, but it may not survive another mod unless we can post it with more actual content. Thoughts?

    Well, at least Clockwork Empires has a redirect, rather than a 'Page Does Not Exist'. Small progress.

    *edit* For those interested in helping, please find me URLS of 3rd-party interviews and articles written on the subject of Clockwork Empires, and maybe include a short one-sentence summary, so I can write them up and incorporate them into cited text.


    RPS: Clockwork Empires not developing as fast as Alec Meer expects:

    PC Gamer: Clockwork Empires launches on Early Access:
    Last edited: May 9, 2016
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  3. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

  4. mrclint

    mrclint Member

    It was actually harder than I thought.
    I only found this one that really seemed like something usable:

    But I gotta love this quote (from the link):
    "If there could be such a thing as the "Saints Row of city builders," it's Clockwork Empires. Your civilians can do drugs. Your civilians can drink to excess. Your civilians can eat human flesh. Your civilians can start holding esoteric meetings when bored, eventually drawing out the fish people to come attack your village.

    Yes, fish people."

    And he talks about the memories the settlers get.
  5. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    Here's a few, though these are pretty old:

    IGN: Clockwork Empires isn't the City-Building Sim I expected

    Destructoid: Clockwork Empires will make sure you make your own fun

    DigitalTrends: Clockwork Empires is what happens when The Sims goes colonial, summons Cthulhu

    Polygon: Behold the tender art of not dying of starvation in Clockwork Empires

    We also have a Giant Bomb entry, not sure if that can be useful but it is a major site, Twitch's game library/api uses Giant Bomb's wiki.
    Last edited: May 9, 2016
  6. Rahbek23

    Rahbek23 Member

    I couldn't find any not already mentioned here, that were any good atleast :(

    I laud the effort though! On a related note: I also intend to work a bit on the gamepedia once I am home from Mongolia again, so we can bring that up to standard again, because if I as an experienced CE player sometimes have a hard time finding information, what is a rookie player gonna do? I personally always go to the relevant wiki if a such exists.
    Daynab likes this.