[Idea] Nethack Mod

Discussion in 'Modding' started by Reshy, Dec 12, 2013.

  1. Reshy

    Reshy Member

    Just a quick but ambitious idea which would be a total overhaul for dungeons of dredmor that hinges on making the game as close to nethack as possible while perserving the colorful graphics style and humor. I don't know how flexible DoD is in this regard but it could be an interesting mod if it worked.
  2. Vitellozzo

    Vitellozzo Member

    First tell us what differs from nethack to dungeons of dredmor, than we (I in this case) can tell you if it's possible or not.
    By the way, I only played it a little, so I can just remember about hungry needs.
    Kazeto likes this.
  3. Haldurson

    Haldurson Member

    I can list a few things in Nethack that immediately come to mind that aren't in Dredmor, just to get you started. Not being a modder, I can only guess at what's possible and what's not, so instead of guessing, I'll leave it to you guys to decide.

    1. Different monsters and items
    2. Items when first found are unidentified, and need to be identified either through identification spells or use.
    3. Any item can be cursed or blessed. You cannot unwield a cursed weapon or remove a cursed piece of armor or jewelry. Blessed items (such as a blessed scroll of identification) may have superior effects. You can bless or curse items by dipping them in holy water or cursed holy water (or whatever it was called).
    4. Here's a tough one -- the unidentified items are randomized between games. So, for example, in one game, and indigo potion may be one thing and in the next game it can be something else.
    5. There are scrolls of genocide that you can use to eliminate all of a specific type of monster from the dungeon.

    There's more -- I'm not sure which the OP considers the most important. I know that at least it's possible to add new monsters and items. Other than that....
    Kazeto likes this.
  4. Vitellozzo

    Vitellozzo Member

    1. this is somehow obvious
    2 no unidentified, 3 no blessing/cursing one item upon wielding (and to add those one should add specific items with the same name and art of the simple item, 4 no randomized items (the art is locked on the item) and 5 no genocide spells, aside from making Blob genocide spell which could only hit blob family taxa and then hit a colosal template on every blob family member on that floor.
    I don't think anything can be done better than this for now.
    Kazeto likes this.