Just a random invitation to anyone who wants to talk politics and/or religion with all of the other smart, level-headed, well-reasoned people of this particular forum. My wife administrates a message board that basically died about a year ago. It's called the Nifty Message Board, and it's at http://www.niftymessageboard.com. Because it's dead, it's basically ripe for taking over, and because my wife is a highly experienced admin, she can (and will) keep things from getting out of control. So if you're interested in some less moderated but still limited-to-the-people-from-around-here-who-bother-to-sign-up, go register and we can have all of those conversations that aren't appropriate here. (BTW, it's a D&D forum -- politics and religion debaclery should probably be pointed at the Nifty Deliberations subforum just for politesse.)
After taking a look in one of the sections and noticing that someone made a thread called "Ponies", I decided I'll pass this time. One of my friends is bombarding me with this rot and I want to strangle him for that, so trying to be a member of a forum where there might be people of his kind might result in unnecessarily trimming your forum's members' ranks. But good luck to all those who decide to join.
Kazeto, did you happen to notice that (as advertised above) the thread you mention is very nearly a year old?
Yes? But better be cautious than declared guilty of committing a mass murder (even more so when you have a blade in your room).
I like you too, Essence. Maybe I'll change my mind when I get my share of sleep (about joining the forum, not about liking you, though I reckon I am sometimes bringing all of you closer to insanity).
Kazeto, you just proved yourself to be an extraordinarily empathic and understanding individual and I am awed by the simplicity and effectiveness of your reply.
You simply know I am now compelled to join and discuss all the stuff we cannot on these forums. Daynab, you probably owe Essence a thanks. (I sure do. Thanks Essence.)