This idea is similar to one described for the Lutefisk Cube here. Essentially, if the Elven Ingot Grinder is put in the shortcut bar, dropping items that can be processed by the grinder results in the option to either a]. swap the item into the shortcut bar (the current behavior)b]. grind the item in the grinder and add the processed item into the inventory. This would be very useful for anyone who has a nearly full inventory and has come across yet another variety of cheese since it'd make processing it into grated cheese for cheesy omelettes faster and make inventory management smoother.
Edit: Wow, if you read it a certain way I sound like a whiny bitch in this post. I didn't mean it. In my head when I wrote it I was just talking flatly and normally. I agree with the need for two "Grind All" options. It's gotten to the point where I don't even pick up cheese anymore. I would love to grind it to make lutefisk, but it's such a pain. This doesn't really help the problem where your inventory is full, though. It would be nice if there were a way to pick up a piece of cheese, grind it, and add it to your inventory all in one step. Why are there so many kinds of cheese anyway? Is it like a joke? The only recipe using cheese that I care about is the omelette, and it uses grated cheese. I'm totally in favor of the inclusion of little jokes and things in the game, but the variety of cheeses (and alcohol) make inventory management painful. The game could really use a "Cheese Sack" or "Wine Rack" as a sub-container on your inventory. Bags for ingots and other crafting items would be nice too. Perhaps just generic bags. Inventory management is not a fun part of games. The game could also use a way to sell items without having to find a shop. Probably at a significant loss. Maybe 25% less than what the shop will give you. Torchlight has a mechanism where you can give items to your pet to sell for you back in town. DoD needs something like that.
The cheesy omelette is quite new to the game. It used to make sense to eat cheese, but the cheesy omelette is so OP compared to the other recipes that yeah... now it feels like the different sorts of cheese are just here to make the grating more painful.
Note that your ability to make cheesy omelettes is limited by your diggle egg supply, which is likely to be vastly smaller than your grated cheese supply. Unless you're a werediggle.
But it only costs one egg, if you compared to the normal omelette, it is vastly easier to make. I feel like the cheesy omelette should cost 2 eggs and 2 grated cheese.
While it's true that you can make a lot of cheesys in one run, I'm not quite sure they qualify as overpowered. Warriors need a lot of that HP on the lower levels, at least until they find the Diggle God of Fertility, and short of placing some kind of crafting requirement on the recipe there's no way to restrict it to just them. Most rogues or mages will have trouble milking the full value out of them until much later in the game anyways. It might be marginally unbalancing, but since the people most benefited by them are the weakest class at the moment I'm not complaining.
It really is OP. Look at grilled cheese. It requires rare bread and a specific kind of cheese! Totally not worth making. (Though I heard they intend to make it used grated cheese.) When I have enough omelettes, the grated cheese just ends up becoming lutefisk. It's great for that, too. It's such a waste to turn a whole piece of cheese into one lutefisk out of laziness, but it also gets so tedious to grind every piece of cheese you find to get those extra 2 or 3 lutefisk. Especially if your inventory is full or nearly full. That's why I gave up on it entirely. Besides, the lutefisk god rewards aren't even that good, even at 500 pieces. Not compared to DLC items you can buy in the shop or things from evil chests.
Lorrelian: I ll have to take your word for difficulty after floor 10, i havent had time to get there yet. But I mean, the problem with the cheese omelette being way better ( even if its useful and necessary to balance warriors) is that as reminded by Glazed, it makes other food recipe worthless : / Which is too bad. Its fun to have variety ! Glazed: one way to avoid having the tedious grated cheese for lutefisk AND reducing the cheese omelette would be to make any cheese give only ONE grated cheese item. This way its pointless to do it for lutefisk. If food is not good enough and needs an upgrade for warriors then all food should be made a little bit stronger, not just one recipe.