This is really a UI problem - but showing which skills are Warrior, Rogue, and Wizard-archetypes would be really helpful for new players. Just a red, yellow, or blue border would probably be enough. Showing some starting stats (HP, MP) would be even better! I really think getting into the mechanical guts of Dredmor is awesome - and I want new players to get there ASAP.
Sorry to bump an old thread, but this would be excellent. It doesn't even have to be overt, you could just put a subtle archetype glow or frame around the skill icon at character creation.
It would also probably help if somewhere there was something that said what the levels in each archetype do. (Unless there is and I missed it >.< Either way I know what they do so it's not a big deal but it's not listed anywhere for new players?)
This owuld be nice. It was really hard when CotW just came out and none of the wiki's had the info yet.
The only way to see what archetype a skill is is by looking in which path (warrior, wizard, rogue) the skill's icon is.. Archetypes also shown
The Borders could be different. Having spikes coming out the corners for warrior (silver), orbs for mages(blue), coins for rogues (gold).
I would just go for something as part of the label when you hover over the skill. Also maybe an additional tutorial thing explaining how stats and leveling up and all that jazz works, because I don't even think most of the people who have been playing the game for a while are quite sure about all of that.
I would think just sticking in small text "Warrior" "Wizard" "Rogue" below the name of the skill would probably be easier to code and be clearer then things like colored borders to new people