In regards to mines

Discussion in 'Modding' started by ChristmasAsen, Dec 21, 2011.

  1. ChristmasAsen

    ChristmasAsen Member

    I have two questions:

    1) Is it possible to create a mine that runs through it's animation only once?

    2) How do I go about making it so that the mine triggers a buff that only affects enemies?
  2. Knallis

    Knallis Member

    I think its like a tag that goes like affectscaster="0"
    If you open the game's spellDB and poke around you'll find all the details you need, but to answer your first question the answer is yes, but I think what you would do is split it up into different spells, or that's what I would do because I'm really ghetto about this and sort of borrow things off of Obvious Fireball. OF invokes like two other spells I think, an explosion and then the flame carpet it sets off, which actually is programmed like a mine with the affectscaster command set to equal 1, making it hurt the player.
  3. ChristmasAsen

    ChristmasAsen Member

    Ohhh, brilliant! Thanks!