And made mods for underwater Metroid. I honestly had totally forgotten/never learned in the first place who made that mod until today, when I decided to reinstall Aquaria and had to rebuild my recipe/pullplant mod from scratch, which mostly involved frantically running around Bit Blot's forums trying to find the page I'd figured out how to do it from the first time. There's probably some sort of legitimate discussion that could arise from this, but I can't brain it.
I have no idea whatsoever how do you want for a legitimate discussion to happen here with that... But while I'm at it, props for Bergstrom for being involved.
Like, I don't know, stories about modding projects that weren't Dredmor? You aren't the only sleep-dep person around these parts, Kaz.
I made the beginnings of a mod for Diablo II. Made a map for Duke Nukem 3d, that one of the major map makers said wasn't too bad for a starter map, , and Shadow warrior. Made a map way back in the day for Starcraft. Helped Beta test the first major weapons compilation mods for Morrowind, Split Infinity. Helped test Azura's Touch, a major near Total Conversion for Morrowind. I also made a few cheating mods, we all have to start somewhere, for Morrowind. I believe that's the extent of my modding experiences.
I've been part of the dev staff in a MUD that was just starting up, I wrote and balanced most of the weapon files. I still have my local copies of them(hoarding? who me?), but I've forgotten the name of the MUD (partly because it changed while I was part of staff, partly because it was so generic/forgetable, part because it was so long ago). I think the head dev was named Shadez or something like that. In another MUD I became part of the staff in a different capacity. I was placed as clan leader first in one, then also another clan. Very RP heavy MUD. I basically was in charge of creating the rules the members had to live by and being the highest authority in the invite/promote/demote/boot authority chain. Also I hosted roleplaying events, with unique baubles to give to the participants, and I functioned as a moderator. Unlike the other MUD I remember the name of this one. Tarmon Gaidon. Wheel of Time themed. I was Sevannah, head of Shaido, and Jearom, head of Hunters (of the horn). I helped out a bit on UFO: AI briefly. Balancing stuff, and being dev sounding board. I've made numerous minor mods for a number of games before, for my own use and amusement, but DoD is the first where I've published them.