Initial thoughts and things

Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by Ixath, Jul 26, 2014.

  1. Ixath

    Ixath Member

    I've been waiting for a game like this for a long time. I'm having a blast so far and am very excited to see what's to come in the future.

    There are a ton of things I liked about the game but I don't have enough time to write those all down (about to go to breakfast) so for now I'm only going to cover the negative things:

    - My biggest gripe is that I felt like, most of the time, I was waiting for a shipment of colonists or building materials in order to progress my game. I was able to AFK until I saw the icons pop up because there was nothing beneficial that I could be doing. I'm positive this isn't always going to be the case once more content is added but I wanted to mention it still.

    - The WORK CREWS menu is too big. I'd like the ability to scale the interface elements to about 1/2 or 1/3rd of the size they currently are so I'm able to see more

    - When I click on an object to interact with it (cutting down a tree, foraging, etc.) the screen moves to center on the object and the mouse stays in the center of of the screen, which makes me have to move the mouse back to the object to click and issue the interact order. Perhaps force the cursor to stay centered on the object so I can issue my order as the screen is moving or add a modifier key (alt-click?) that lets me open the interact menu without forcing the screen to move from my current position.

    - I want to designate stockpiles to only accept certain goods. It might also be nice to have a way to name/rename a stockpile and a menu where we can toggle stuff on/off all at once instead of having to go to each stockpile individually.

    - I'd like a "Layout Mode" button that turns the grid on and forces all buildings to only show the floor. Building roads is difficult because I can't see through the walls.

    My time is up and I must eat. I will reply to this later and try to include more details about things instead of just random suggestions and thoughts.
  2. Ixath

    Ixath Member

    I left the game running overnight. I got to day 102. The game is extremely laggy right now and there is a good 4-5 seconds of video lag when I try to do anything so I'm closing it down.

    There was a script error when I hit 50+ people and moved one from the inactive to a work crew box via the menu, but I didn't know what the screenshot key was at the time and I forgot I could F12 in steam.

    I'm attaching the replay just because. Back to housework and I will finish up writing my thoughts/issues later.

    Attached Files:

  3. City Builder

    City Builder Member

    This is one of the things in the game currently that bugs me the most. It would be so much better if the game did not scroll the screen to center the object that I've clicked on, as I've already got my mouse where I clicked on the object (let's say a tree) and so it should be a simple matter of just clicking on the words to chop it from where the tree was on the screen.

    Scrolling the screen throws me off balance (so to speak) and it takes a moment to reorient myself with the item having been moved to the center of the screen.

    Please turn this off, or make it an option to turn it on and off as it's very disorienting to have the screen scrolled around like that when I simply wish to chop or pick an item. For that matter if there is only one option as there is now with the tree cutting, let me just double click on a tree to select it and place the order for chopping it down.
