This probably won't happen because they have moved on. I find the current inventory management so annoying I don't want to use the game and can't recommend it. Even Skyrim has a better inventory management. 1. allow us to manage inventory by a named list instead of images. 2. group items by category. 3. allow access to items by highlighting and moving up and down with keys or picking a number. 4. put different categories in differnet tables (see SkyUI the skyrim mod) 5. do same for stuff on the ground 6. have the ability to bring up a list of all items in your viewable range on the ground and then search for the items you want if there are alot. click it and have a highlight tell you where it is (must be viewable from your screen.) A free roguelike called Cataclysm DDA has this. I asked on the mod forum if the extensions are there to add this as a mod. This change should be 'optional'. bit having to highlight every damn thing to see what it is and just having a dump on the ground is so annoying, i dont want to play the game. the rest of the game is great.
The short answer is, wait until after gaslamp has Clockwork Empires out and not requiring immediate patch attention. A longer answer is less encouraging. Previous disclosures from Gaslamp have implied that merely opening the source code for Dredmor's user interface tears open a hole in the fabric of reality and allows the Invisible Geometers to initiate spontaneous explosive combustion of kittens (read: the code is very difficult to safely modify). So my expectation is, short of committing someone's time to a total rewrite of the UI, what you see now is what it's going to be.
I guess the fun of tough game-play you expect from rogue-likes is quantum entangled with at least one inconvenience in terms of UI.