OS X Lion Invis potions/fungus not working

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by shippy, Dec 17, 2011.

  1. shippy

    shippy Member

    So, it seems that monsters are still capable of hitting me when I go invisible after 1.0.8.

    Is this an intended nerf?
  2. Nick

    Nick Member

    Why mobs shouldn't attack you?
    If they have good perception, they can see you in invis mode from distance, just like you, for example, with Diggle Commandos.
    Invis basically is a :sneakiness: buff, in which results, that mobs are most likely to screw up walking towards you(a.k.a. losing turns).
  3. shippy

    shippy Member

    Ah! If the mechanic is now changed then this makes sense, however it was never like that before 1.0.8.

    In 1.0.6 (hotfix and lower) I could be stood in the middle of a monster zoo, drink an invis potion/disappear/eat an inky hog lantern and not be attacked until the effects wore off or were cancelled.

    (Having some update notes on steam would help understand what's happening.)