I just kronged an Item. It came back with a cursed message, but the list provided no changes. Screenshot: https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B1KYrkkdLVFBMTAzOWI5ZjAtMzA5OS00MWU1LThlNGMtYzQ2YTMyNWQ0Y2Ux I can also include the save file, although there really isn't much to see on the item since (obviously) the stat changes (if any) weren't listed. https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B1KYrkkdLVFBMjM0NzVhNzUtOGJiZS00NDk0LWEyN2EtOTgyOTEwNjhhZDdm
Some particular items don't receive bonuses from Krong... it's a fairly old bug but pops up even in some new items.