Just double-checking. I can spawn a specific monster and specific hordes, but not a hero. If it isn't, it really should be.
I know evil chests spawn hero monsters (if they spawn a monster) but I've also heard chest code info might not able to be found. Is this also the case with evil chests? If not, that might have your answer. (Or are you looking to also give a specific name?)
I was hoping the monster zoo room.xml code would provide some useful information for you, but sadly it's just the room itself that's outlined in that; the monster spawning for the room seems to be hardcoded.
There's no code for bosses, just normal monsters and hordes. Evil chests are indeed hard-coded, you can manually spawn an evil chest but not dictate what's in it. Zoos only line of code is something like 'Zoo="1"' so the answer's not there, either. There may be some hope in the horde command, though. Sometimes horde is accompanied by 'number="3" additional="3"' or the like. Supposedly these over-ride the horde sizes in tweakDB. However, I've tried the specific combo of 'number="1" additional="0", and it generated a totally normal sized horde, about 4 monsters or so IIRC. I didn't do extensive testing though, so it's possible that the zero I was using was the culprit. You might just try horde with number="1" (skipping the 'additional' modifier) and see if that works for you.
It creates one with a different color than normal, and says they're "the leader of the (insert silly unit name here)". I assume that means they've got boosted stats. I could be wrong. I know the game also has beefier bosses, with real names and little halos around their heads, but those aren't available by any means I'm aware of. There's an entry in tweakDB that determines how buff those named bosses are. Last time I'd looked at it (more than a month ago, when I first starting to poke at modding) I'd assumed it was for the horde bosses, but checking again now I can see it's not. Looking at the stats in there, I see that the boss monsters get a number of random boosts, most of which are unlikely to matter (up to 6 points of random primary stats, for example, and up to 8 points of random secondaries - but think about how often krongings give random junk stats and how fewer stats matter on a monster than on the player). They mainly get their power by being a monster from a deeper floor than usual, and then having a damage boost that is scaled to the current dungeon floor. So, you could manufacture an artificial boss by using room scripts to spawn an off-level horde and then cast a buff on it. The horde boss always appears on the space of the horde command, which would help with targeting the buff. Downside is they wouldn't get the silly name.
Ach, what I meant were the named bosses with halos about their heads. Since there's no way to currently do that, I'll just have to settle for out-of-level monsters.