Items lost in solid object square

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by aggelon, Nov 19, 2011.

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  1. aggelon

    aggelon Member

    Hello room,

    I don't know if this is an already known bug, but I noticed the items I put on solid objects (like fridge, fountain...) become unreachable...

    I tried to put a bottle of potion in a fridge (looking for an usage to the fridge, like BBQ, but please, don't spoil me... I still want to look for ^^) or an empty bottle in a fountain... but the bottles 'disappear'...

    Actually, I thought this is because to put an item into a square already occupied by an object is an unexpected way to play ^^ and maybe the game knows my object is in this square, but I assume it's drawn behind and the object in front of it, catching my clicks...
  2. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    Fun fact: They actually disappear into the void. Forever. (this is fixed in 1.07)
  3. aggelon

    aggelon Member

  4. blob

    blob Member

    Ah tiens, francais Daynab ? Tu fais pas les fautes d'orthographes que je reconnais en général... :D
  5. aggelon

    aggelon Member

    Nan te pense, c'est un cousin du pays à la feuille d'érable rouge... comme les dev quoi :)
  6. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    Oh man, I totally forgot about the site a while ago (my memory sucks) I might hop around sometimes. Cool to see people still talk about it!

    (oui, j'suis Québécois)
  7. Godwin

    Godwin Member

    Tiens, plusieurs francophones ici :) (moi pas mais j'aime la langue et j'ai besoin d'exercise et dans mon pays d'origine on parle le français dans le sud).
  8. blob

    blob Member

    Et aussi Planplan qu'est du pays.
    Geez, dredmor attracts lotsa french speaking people...

    Which country speaks French in the south Godwin ?
  9. Godwin

    Godwin Member

    Belgium of course! :)
  10. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Yay Belgium! Anywhere near Zwevzele (probably horribly misspelled; it's been a long time)? :)
  11. Godwin

    Godwin Member

    Hmm had never heard of Zwevezele. No, I'm from the province of Antwerp ^^
  12. blob

    blob Member

    Ooooh Belgium indeed. Dunno I was thinking some kind of exotic country I never heard of before !
    Zwevezele sounds like its some parts of Belgium that might be in Africa. :)
  13. Godwin

    Godwin Member

    Belgium used to own part of Africa but that's some time ago... Zwevezele is in the Flemish part :)
  14. blob

    blob Member

    How's the government doing other there ? Is it getting better ?
  15. Godwin

    Godwin Member

    Ehm... well the fun thing is that basically on a day-to-day level governments seem to be completely unnecessary. But international politics kinda suffer.
    And no, still no government :confused:
  16. aggelon

    aggelon Member

    But still awesome beers :cool:
  17. blob

    blob Member

    This is all pretty crazy. Sometimes I think I'd rather have no government than the jerk ruling my country...
  18. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    Forums > Dungeons of Dredmor > Bugs > International Politics Chat :p

    We should let this thread die since it's not reaaally the place to talk politics or international news. Make a new thread in offtopic though if you want.
    Godwin and brobbeh like this.
  19. Daebis

    Daebis Member

    salut a tous, je me présente, Dae
    je cherche des personne volontaire et motivé pour m’aider à traduire le jeu en français

    les fichiers serons a la fin envoyé aux dev pour leur proposé une mise a jour gratuitement, en échange d'avoir votre pseudo dans les credit

    il faut avoir le jeu (complet si possible)

    pour le reste on communiquera par IRC ou par Gtalk

    si vous êtes intéressez merci de me contacter par email

    ps il n'es pas utile de parler couramment anglais ni d'avoir une orthographe irréprochable (c'est mieux mais pas obligatoire)
  20. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    Garde ton post dans un seul fil STP.
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