Jack-of-all-Trades [skill]

Discussion in 'Mod Releases' started by Ouroboros, Jun 28, 2012.

  1. Ouroboros

    Ouroboros Member

    A simple first skill tree, with no original art (and a bit of a problem with the spell icon size I hope someone will instruct me on the fix for).[fixed in v02]

    Jack-of-all-Trades is a rogue-type skill tree with 5 levels. There are minor buffs and resistance bonuses in the tree, but the point is to give the player temporary skill in any of the crafting skills, so they can use more or all of the reagents they find.

    Initial- allows player to cast Inspiration, an 8-turn buff that gives +1 to two random crafting skills (possibly +2 to one)
    1st-4th levels give the player a point in each of the crafting skills: Tinkering, Smithing, Alchemy, Wand Crafting
    Capstone- allow player to cast Spark of Genius, a 12-turn buff that gives +1 to all four crafting skills and an additional +1 to one random crafting skill.

    If you've maxed-out this skill tree and you're lucky, or have time to walk-off the downtime, you'll hit level 5 in the crafting skill that matches the stuff you've got in your hands.

    Attached Files:

    OmniaNigrum and Essence like this.
  2. banjo2E

    banjo2E Member

    If the problem is that the icon size is about four times as big as it's supposed to be in the skill bar, you need to use "XXXX32.png" instead of "XXXX64.png".
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  3. Ouroboros

    Ouroboros Member

    thanks! that's exactly the problem

    I'll fix that this weekend and upload.
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  4. Ouroboros

    Ouroboros Member

    I've fixed the spell icon problem (and removed a reference to the deprecated stat wand burnout reduction), and updated the downloadable version.

    I've seen several items in various mods that increase crafting skill, so I won't add such items to this mod.
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  5. Vitellozzo

    Vitellozzo Member

    Have you consider giving it some debuffs to balance the whole skill? Since it can basically substitute entirely every craft skill with this one.
    OmniaNigrum and Null like this.
  6. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    ^^ This.
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  7. Ouroboros

    Ouroboros Member

    When I put this together, I considered the random result and the cooldown period of the two spells enough to discourage multiple attempts at trying to get +4 levels in the particular craft you were carrying the ingredients for.

    But you, Null, and Essence are all pretty versed in balancing. If you think it's out of balance, you're probably right.
    Any specific suggestions for a thematic debuff?
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  8. SkyMuffin

    SkyMuffin Member

    My idea for debuffs would be to match it with the crafting skill, with the explanation being that you "expend" so much energy after focusing on your crafts.

    Wandcrafting - lose :sagacity: for x turns
    Smithing - lose :burliness: for x turns
    Tinkering - lose :savvy: or :stubborness: ?
    Alchemy - maybe lose various resistances for a shorter number of turns than the others?
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  9. Ouroboros

    Ouroboros Member

    Thanks, SkyMuffin!

    I woke up this morning with something very similar in mind. I'll give it some work this week and post.
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  10. Ouroboros

    Ouroboros Member

    Having a strange problem:

    This isn't triggering the secondary buff "Sore Muscles"
    <spell name="Sore Muscles" type="self" >
    <buff useTimer="1" self="1" removable="0" time="60" stackable="0" bad="1" icon="skills/bored64.png" smallicon="skills/bored32.png" >
    <primarybuff id="0" amount="-1"/> <!-- Burliness -->
    <secondarybuff id="2" amount="-1" /> <!-- melee power -->
    <secondarybuff id="8" amount="-3" /> <!-- counterstrike -->
    <secondarybuff id="9" amount="-3" /> <!-- EDR -->
    <description text="Your muscles are sore from inspired use." />

    <spell name="JOAT I ST" type="self" >
    <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/lightningarc/lightningarc" frames="7" framerate="100" sfx="magic" />
    <buff useTimer="1" self="1" removable="1" time="8" stackable="0" icon="skills/alchemical_inspiration64.png" smallicon="skills/alchemical_inspiration32.png" >
    <secondarybuff id="19" amount="1"/> <!-- Smithing -->
    <secondarybuff id="20" amount="1"/> <!-- Tinkering -->
    <effect type="trigger" spell="Sore Muscles" amount="9" />

    I'll continue messing with it, but if anyone has run into this problem before, I'd like to hear about it.

    [update - Dec 16]
    I'm studying Essence's Drunken Master skill set for the relevant sections.
    OmniaNigrum likes this.