Please try and give feedback and ideas It has everything to do with keys: -lockdown -unlock potential - buff and wipe debuffs -lockdown - private arena -entropic lock - lock atoms in place for a moment (with predictable effects) -unlock form - blink and transform monster -impossible lock - lock anything -impossible key - unlocks anything and blows up in the process bugs lvl. - wiped out all big ones and most smaller ones PS: keyblade included
bug: only blows 1 tile of the 3 tile door, you can only walk trough that tile of the door, it's made from an unfinished string of code, if anyone knows how to fix that, post here (on the other hand it gives about 10 times the usual lockpick exp.) Here is the code: Code: <spell name="Impossible Key" type="lockable" downtime="20" consumeItem="1" radius="3" icon="skills/impossible_32.png" > <description text="This key is not from this world, it is painfull to even look at it, use at your own risk."/> <effect type="damage" transmutative="22" aethereal="15" burn="1"/> <effect type="rogueSkill"/> <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/arcA/arcA" frames="4" framerate="70" sfx="magic"/> </spell> PS: someone include "lockable" as a spell target in dredmod (captcha doesn't wanna work) it means: spell targets locked chests and doors
Hm... lockable never worked for me so I've never put it anywhere. Also rogueSkill doesn't do anything. I'll make some code to remove an entire door for you later. You can use destroyobject, or otherwise you might be able to use a template as well and other lockables. If you just destroy that single tile the game will crash when you try to open the door.
I thought the rougeSkill gives you lockpick exp. The lockable part actually works on doors (exept if you try to open 1/3 of it,, i know) maybe if you would make it affect two squares to the side of the target square (so the whole door would be erased every time)
Hmm, I got borred with dungeons of dredmor, so I stopped moding, but I'm gonna try to fixx this one, because I really like it. PS: Tommorow.