Kleptoblobby Bug

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Haldurson, Jul 29, 2011.

  1. Haldurson

    Haldurson Member

    I've noticed that Kleptoblobbies can steal items immediately on death -- you get the death message, then a message immediately following it that an item was stolen. The only critter on the map was the one, now dead, klepto. when that happens, you do not actually get the item back. I just lost a major stack of Deep Omelettes because of that bug.
  2. Desi

    Desi Member

    I was wondering where my awesome enchanted-out-the-wazoo Fedora went during one of my games, and now I know that it was this bug.
  3. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    Why did you put a Fedora on your belt? That seems an odd place for a Fedora.
    I've never put armor/weapons, except for bolts, on my belt slots.
    Mostly because that's the only place Blobby steal from you.
    I hope they fix that bug in the next patch, or I'll going to be very disappointed.
    By that bug, I mean not this one, but the bug where they can steal all your items, and you can only get the last one.

    Also, they tend to not give you the item on counter hits. :(
  4. Desi

    Desi Member

    @DavidB1111 I put my Fedora on my belt because I was switching between it and Tinkerer's Goggles, and it was on an early slot because my G13 has a thumbstick which I've bound to the 1-4 number keys. Nowadays I put it in the last slot.
  5. Marak

    Marak Member

    I read somewhere on this forum that this bug actually occurs when you kill a Kleptoblobby with a Counterattack, and this seems to be true - I've fought a fair number of them with a high-counter, dual-wield vampire fencer, and this certainly seems to be the case.

    Another fun "bug": the game can only remember to drop the last item stolen. If the blobby keeps hitting you and steals more than one stack of items, only the last item stolen will drop to the ground - assuming you don't counterattack it to death, of course. >.<
  6. fishofmuu

    fishofmuu Member

    Yeah. Until they fix that bug, I just fill my first few slots with diggle eggs or something when I get to that floor.
  7. Marak

    Marak Member

    I like to use stuff like crafting materials I picked up to sell but can't use, Traffic Cones, Crude *any weapon*, Sewer Brew, that 7 Mana Pilsner, Aged Steak, Fruit (if I'm melee and/or don't have a Porta-still)... there's a lot of stuff you can shove in your belt that you won't care if they take it. Since they normally only appear on that one floor, you can always re-sort your belt in the proper manner once you've moved on.
  8. fishofmuu

    fishofmuu Member

    I usually don't even use belt items anyway. Pretty much only times are a wand user, or someone with fungal arts (easier to pick it up and use it). Any time I go 'Oh, I need to use an item!', I just open my inventory and see which food/healing/whatever item I should use. It's a turn based game, after all.
  9. Marak

    Marak Member

    I think of the belt as an additional 10 inventory slots - I rarely use the shortcuts, I generally just stick stuff like "random food", "random booze", and "random buff potion/shroom" in there and right-click as needed.
  10. Desi

    Desi Member

    I use the belt to queue things I want to use up. A stack of five copper bolts, for example, or a single flask of acid.
  11. Haldurson

    Haldurson Member

    I've gotten into the habit of putting stuff into my belt that is the least essential. That's kind of the opposite of its intention, I'm sure.

    They remind me a little of the nymphs and leprechauns from Rogue, Hack, and Nethack, except that with those, you'd always get all your stuff back if you manage to kill them (then again, they were much harder to kill, since they'd teleport away a lot).

    In a way, Nymphs were worse, since they'd literally steal the armor you were wearing, plus the sword you were wielding. Well, technically, they'd 'seduce' you into giving it to them, which is all the more humiliating.
  12. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    @Haldurson Wonderful, I never got that far into Nethack to worry about stealing attacks like that.
    Stealing your equipment, that is a big no no in games. I can't believe the Nethack Dev team did that.

    Angband now and forever is the superior roguelike to Nethack. You can become immune to stealing with a 18/200 dex, and you don't have to worry about your equipment being stolen.
    Seriously, that is a big no no to make equipment stealing possible.

    Anyhow, maybe make it so you can block the Kleptoblobby's steal, like in Angband. Once your skill is high enough in say, Caddishness, or whatever would work.
    Or maybe make it so Burglary can block it?