Last Skills does not work (no mods)

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Musaab, Jun 10, 2012.

  1. Musaab

    Musaab Member

    I do not have any mods installed.

    I have been issues with Last Skills at the skill selection screen since RotDG came out. And the issue continues. It always puts together some Mace/Piracy build (always the same build) and never respects my last chosen skills unless I choose them without ever quitting the game. But whenever I load up the game again, I get the same old last skills.
  2. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    Try deleting the contents of your documents/gaslamp games folder.
  3. Musaab

    Musaab Member

    I have tried that numerous times, as well as shutting off Steam well as everything else. None of it changes anything.
  4. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    Have you tried the -nukesteamcloud parameter? it seems to fix a bunch a random issues. Run it only once.

    Oh and it will delete your saves, so finish any games before.
  5. Musaab

    Musaab Member

    That fixed it. Thanks...I didn't know about that option :)
  6. Musaab

    Musaab Member

    Thanks! Problem solved. I didn't know about that option.
  7. Musaab

    Musaab Member

    The problem was solved, but now whenever I choose Last Skills, it just chooses the first seven skills (swords, axes, maces, etc). And it does it every time.
  8. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    Which means that it's synchronizing with the Steam cloud yet again, only there's no data for "Last Skills" there so it chooses the first seven skill trees.

    You can either disable Steam cloud, or nuke it again.
  9. Musaab

    Musaab Member

    I nuked it again and it still doesn't work. Instead of my file being written to the cloud, it overwrites the files I have on local.