Life, the Universe and Everything in CE

Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by Zelnick, Nov 22, 2013.

  1. Zelnick

    Zelnick Member

    As CE is strongly related to DF, my question is, how strong is the simulation beyond your colony map? Is it detailed like DF? Means, if you can keep track of all wonders/entities/wars/disasters that happens around the world without your presence? How much will affect a worldevent your current colony?
    Will a Legendary inventor/sorcerer/general settle in your colony, who plays an important role in the big empire?

    And may you safely abandon your current colony, to see it thrive/perish from the "outside"?
    Kazeto likes this.
  2. Gorbax

    Gorbax Member

    I think "strongly related" might be a bit strong a description
    Kazeto likes this.
  3. SangerZonvolt

    SangerZonvolt Member

    Well they did mention that the "world" would have a history, with your colonies being part of them and newspapers writing about things that happen inside and outside oyu colony. So there IS a world outside you colony, but I donĀ“t know how much of it will be simulated or if those are just events that happen at random.
    Kazeto likes this.
  4. Gorbax

    Gorbax Member

    "In other news, Quag'garoth, Prince of Brie, has ravaged the outskirts of the Motherland. Peasants and horses alike were swallowed whole by the carnivorous blob, the rotting corpses of their families impregnating the air with the foulest of odours. Citizens are advised to stay inside, and destroy any form of diary immediately. Commander Heston of the Fifteenth Squad is frank; 'Chances of survival are slim.'

    And now, the weather."
    Kazeto and convolutedthinker like this.
  5. r_b_bergstrom

    r_b_bergstrom Will Mod for Digglebucks

    "Thank you for that weather update, Phil. Looks like it's a good weekend for a picnic.

    In national news, The Bureau of Unfortunate Statistics today announced that miscommunication re: dairy / diary has resulted in an estimated 150,000 additional fatalities and/or cheese-based conversions.

    Meanwhile, the Ministry of Public Book-Burning reports record-breaking turn-out at the yearly fundraiser."
    Kazeto and Gorbax like this.
  6. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    ... a little too Night Vale.
    convolutedthinker likes this.