Oops!... I did it again. I backed with my heart, got lost in the game. And this time the game was: Limit Theory. It sounds great, the developer seems like a nice guy (been posting and reading a little on his forum), and it already met it's funding goal. Right now we're going for the 'Create your own Faction' Stretch goal ('Ownable Planets' stretch goal will be achieved, I don't doubt it). What is it? Why, a single player procedurally generated space simulation with a great NPC interaction system, and all the things you'd expect (trade, explore (sell data you uncover), bounty hunt, pirate, mine, fight,...). Check it out! http://www.kickstarter.com/projects...ry-an-infinite-procedural-space-game?ref=card http://ltheory.com/#
This looks like it's heavily influenced by the X-Universe I just hope it is not as complicated to get started, as that is why I do not really play the X-Games (I tried starting, and was kind of lost). I mean, they always looked cool, and I like games where you are captain of a spaceship, but the start....