Hey everyone, I haven't really been active with this community, but I love CE a lot Just had an idea that may be fun to implement, if at all possible to do so, to have a Lord character spawn with your Overseers and your Laborers. What would make this character most interesting is that you have direct control of them and do not require setting them up as the Boss of a module. Obviously they would be a bit more durable and would come with unique stats like an Overseer. Essentially, you'd just have a player character icon somewhere, that you could customize to be a female or male, their picture and appearance, etc. -- With them, you could directly control what they did (More like a Sim living in the world of Sim City.) They could be armed with whatever weapon you wish, as well as toggle themselves as a persistent Rally Point for your military to follow. The Lord would also be able to fulfill any task you set to them, including working within any business that has an Overseer. Unlike other characters you have in the city, you would actually have to watch their Hunger and Sleep, as the player would have direct control when they did these things.