I was wondering if we are going to see physical changes in our citizens as time goes on. I know it was said that there would be mental instability as time went on but what about physical as well? I know in some of the mythos of lovecraft there is a crossbreeding of humans and deep ones. You could also fit in more modern fantasy and horror into this. For instance, cultists who have gone insane change into beasts on a full moon attacking others and spreading their insanity. It would also be nice to see the chaotic beings having long term effects on citizens. Like babies being born Cyclopian or with two heads or three arms. As time goes on "normal" people become the rarity and it could have a effect on how other nations view you.
Personally, I think this would be easy if they accomplished it primarily from a texture standpoint and made people start to look funny that way. Adding extra limbs, however, would probably screw up too many animations although I think it would be awesome. Either way, the 'physical' look of Madness is definitely something I'm hoping to see as well. Buildings and people start to look darker and stranger the more they slip into insanity.
It sounds like you might Know Too Much. Please expect Her Majesty's Paranormal Investigators to stop by for ... an interview.
Well it should at least be easy for buildings, seeing that they are procedualy generated from the start.
I remember reading "A hero born", by Michael Stackpole years ago and have always wanted to play a game where dealing with the powers of chaos even if for short times had long term effects.
Thats a really good idea. I like the thought of my colonists eventually acquiring the 'Innsmouth Look'.
This is great –– it would be cool if the decisions we make as bureaucrats affected the actual colonists somehow, because they would in real life. How about the economic health of the colony (shambly buildings, people in rags vs. bright new brickwork and furs and silks)? Is that too complicated? Or is something like it already build into the high/low/middle class system? Or are you guys not going for that level of realism? (This is Okay and Understandable.) Ahh! I'm so excited for this to come out. Maybe I can work for Gaslamp once I get my game degree... ahh the pipe dreams, let them flow.