Right now the only way to drown is to polymorph into a bat and re-emerge over a water/slime/ice tile. I think it would be nice if teleporting directly on to one of these tiles would also drown you. it would also be cool if enemy knockback effects could put you in the drown zone too.
I'm inclined to disagree. Enemy knockback effects are rare, yes, but that is part of what makes them deadly - you don't expect them. Also, some battlefields that are already very dangerous (narrow paths with drownable tiles forming the borders) would become absurdly so.
I think making this only happen on Going Rogue and leaving two less deadly difficulties with no ability to tele-drown would be even better. That way people who want it would have it, and people who don't want to die too much wouldn't.
It's nothing new in roguelikes with multiple difficulty levels. And if you don't like that idea, then what is yours?
Status quo. But since you asked, just because other roguelikes do it doesn't make it not bullshit. I'm well aware "bullshit" is perceived as acceptable due to the difficult nature of roguelikes, but changing the rules on the player is needlessly cruel and above all /confusing/ - which is not the design goal of any roguelike I've played, wherein the rules are clear and consistently applied - more consistently than you actually expect them to be, loopholes often being intentional eastereggs for the player to find. If it were to be implemented at all it should be implemented across the board, though I would likely stop playing the game if that were the case. Following from that, it should probably be an option if implemented at all, though given this game's approach to customization, that's unlikely to be sensible. That opens up a whole suite of problematic ideas that are better left ignored. Moreover, the drowning achievement makes more sense this way, since it is a rare event that many players are unsure how to actually achieve until it happens. Edit to add: To be clear on the matter of confusingness, the distinction between difficulty levels is already established as a numbers game in Dungeons of Dredmor. Adding a single rule change in one difficulty level is weird and confusing and doesn't follow with anything the game has done before.
Putting my vote against this idea. Deaths to this kind of drowning will only frustrate players, and they'd be completely and utterly random RNG screwage for which you have no way to prepare for.
Anything that can instantly kill you when you have full health, that you can't prevent from happening without an advanced knowledge of the game's mechanics, is a bad idea. That's why I don't like blink traps and spatial instability infusions, and it's why I don't like this.
ok blinking into a lava pit would be a bit unfair, but if you're inept enough to teleport directly over a lava pit I think it should burn you.
There are some games out there where this would in fact make sense but dredmor just doesn't have funny and convoluted enough deaths, and is also meant to appeal to the mainstream which generally don't like deaths like "eaten by a fox" or "died from kicking a wall". A lot of dredmor's success can be pinned down to being a permadeath game that is forgiving enough to be easy and predictable, rather than horribly unfair.
For the record, what does the whole 'drowning' thing look like in the first place? I'm not an achievements person myself, so I'd rather hear it from a second source. This may have something to do with the fact that the only game I ever lost (out of 5 played, one run modded) was my very first on floor 10's monster zoo, and only with bad luck. edit: thanks
Use vampire, polymorph over water and wait for the cooldown to go off. There's a special animation but that's about it!