A color palette and some item templates. (Recommended viewing size for the palette and for item editing is 800%). Arrows Weapons Armor Consumables Overlays
Examples of things I've made with these: It's hard to see on the white background, but the last two have 50% transparency for their fletching and heads. It's done by using the "ghost" color on the template above and then setting the alpha channel to white (which is what the little note on the palette is trying to convey). (also 20 images/post limit is silly. sadfax)
You can just make one image from 20 or so icons for the presentation purposes, Fax. That, or just make more posts. I think Daynab won't hurt you for that with the image limit making it necessary.
More stuff! And things! I'm keeping these individual files in case people want to look at them closer or use them individually.
And some more things, some not templated. I'll get templates for them as soon as I'm happy with the finals.
Hmmm...would you mind if I tried adding these into my mod creator as some default images to choose from? Although I can't guarantee I will actually be able to implement them, I would love to try! haha
Dig through the complete pile here. Use what you like: I wouldn't be posting them here if I didn't want them used. I'd prefer if you stay away from the bolts, though: I'm putting together an archery mod.
Awesome templates and images. Very cool. Please correct me if I'm mistaken, but I thought the indexed color format that the in-game files use did not support partial transparency. I can't think of a single item in the main game or RotDG that uses partial transparency. Have you actually played with any of those partial-transparent items and had them spawn in-game? If so, did the partial transparency effect actually display when the item was in inventory or on the dungeon floor? I don't have time right this moment to go create a new item and test it myself.
Yup. Images in RGB colorspace are usable, but palette shifting (seen on monsters, mostly) won't work..
Are you sure that's not a source of random unreproducable crashes? I know there's folks saying Encyclopedia Magicka randomly tanks for them. I always take such reports with a grain of salt because the main game itself is not 100% stable, and because people tend to blame the last mod they added instead of doing any sort of testing to see what's actually causing it. But just the same, have you gathered any data from people reporting such crashes to see if they've ever seen or spawned your items that use the RGB instead of indexed colors? Could be it only crashes on certain machines or platforms. Just a thought. No offense intended to you or your mod. I'm just cautious when it comes to diverting from the formats used in the main game, and inclined to test the heck out of anything technically divergent.
Just wanted to thank you for the templates, Fax, especially the crossbow one. Been fiddling with that a lot; it definitely makes my life a lot easier.
Really? None of the ones I've ever opened have been. I'm sure I opened 20 or 30 of them back when I first started modding, and every single one was Indexed. Well, if that's the case, then I'm just being paranoid. Good to know. Carry on.
Those exceptions would be errors on my part. All items are supposed to be 8 bit pngs. I don't think it actually causes instability when they aren't, though.