Here's some news that's going to make any Marvel movie fan VERY happy. It's not quite the news that people have been asking for, but I think that it comes close enough that it will make some very happy fans:,281...D8607C8BB4F594E0A927F67FBC?mailing_id=1165755
I'm still not sure how to feel about this. Growing up, my two favorite comic characters were Batman and Spider-man. Although, to be fair, I always preferred Spidey's rogue's gallery to Spidey himself. I think the MCU was doing just fine without Spider-man, letting us get more out-there characters and turn them into mainstream. The fact that the movie schedules were pushed back to accommodate yet another Spidey reboot also makes me angry. The only way I'll really, really like this news is if it ends up being Miles Morales instead of Peter Parker. That way, at least, it would be fresh.
What was pushed back for the Spidey reboot? It's not in the article. I actually am kinda glad that they are rebooting Spiderman (hopefully without yet another origins story), because I really didn't care for Andrew Garfield. Also, even though Sony still owns and controls Spiderman, the speculation I've heard was that Kevin Feige will be, at least, consulted with the direction of the new Spiderman. And hopefully that means that there is less of a chance that they will bungle it again. That said, time will tell. I'm also not at all familiar with Miles Morales. I haven't read Spiderman in over 30 years though, and when I did, it was only for maybe 4 or 5 years or so, so that's not surprising.
Miles Morales is in the Ultimates, and honestly I don't know that much about him either. I just think it would be something fresh and different. Honestly, though, you're right: I hated Andrew Garfield in the role, so getting anybody else in would (probably) be a breath of fresh air. That's the new schedule. The Inhumans movie now happens after the Infinity War duology. With certain things happening in certain other MCU parts, I was rather a bit peeved at that move the most. And the more suggestions they take from Kevin Feige, the better off Sony's new attempts will be, I say. So I'm still just trying to absorb it all, haha. Good, bad, I don't know yet. I think I'm still in shock.
I see Thor being moved, which I don't mind -- Thor's films been my least favorite of the MCU movies (granted, I do like Hiddleston and Hemsworth acting, I just don't like most everything else about them). Avengers and Black PAnther are the ones I'm least happy about. I vaguely remember about the Inhumans (at least Black Bolt (?) or whatever his name is). My only thought on them is that I can't remember too much about them, but if they turn out to be as good as Guardians of the Galaxy (a franchise I knew even LESS about), then yeah, I pushing them back is not a good thing. But I see them more as an unknown quantity. I'm actually kind of looking forward now to Netflix's Daredevil series. When I was reading Comics, Daredevil was not especially popular, I suppose, but he was one of my favorites. For some reason I always was a fan of some of the less ppular characters. Master of Kung Fu (forget the character name), Beast from XMen, and the Vision from The Avengers were among my favoirte Marvel characters. Storm also was cool, but she was sort of popular. There was something about each of them that I found more intriguing than the fan favorites like Wolverine. Spiderman was kinda cool sometimes. But there also were kind of lame villains too often. As far as favorite villains are concerned, I kind of liked Kingpin, because (in spite of his fighting skills) the idea of a big crime boss corrupting politicians controlling businesses, and so on was more based in reality. Why kidnap a politician if you can own one? Why rob a bank if you can own one? Why destroy the world if you can afford to enjoy all it has to offer? Why attract the attention of a superhero, when you can get rich without making headlines?
Thor 1 is still one of my favorites, simply because I think it captured the fun that Thor had when he was arrogant and beating the crap outta people with Mjolnir (the early invasion of Jotenheim by Thor and his friends is still one of my favorite moments in the MCU). Thor 2 was also fun, but not as much. The pushing back of Black Panther is definitely uncool in my book, but yeah Black Bolt and the rest of the Inhumans...I was hoping to see them involved in the fight against Thanos. Maybe now that they are pushed back, they'll be the start of Phase 4 and we'll see the aftermath of the Infinity War. I'm a bit worried that Netflix Daredevil will be too dark, but I am looking forward to it as well. The Master of Kung Fu you liked is probably Iron Fist. And yeah, I loved Kingpin. He was a major influence to many of my early roleplaying characters. My favorite villains are still probably Venom and Carnage, just for the fun factor. Venom being all anti-hero and occasionally noble made me like him even more, and's just never going to be a good time when you give someone who kills for pleasure the kind of power a symbiote suit has.