May I Make a Request?

Discussion in 'Modding' started by Leven, Dec 25, 2012.

  1. Leven

    Leven Member

    Hi. I started a new game of Dredmor recently, and looked at the stairs right behind me. Looking at those stairs made me want to go up them and see what would happen so much if you can go up them, so I'd like to request a mod that removes the bars separating you and the stairs. I apologize if this is too much to ask for, or if I can't make requests.
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  2. Alistaire

    Alistaire Member

    Ah, a liberal.
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  3. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    There may yet be an expansion that leaves the dungeon. But mods cannot really do it and keep track of locations since every level that is not a positive number is zero in the game engine. (Like all wizardlands, Every last one is level zero.)
  4. Leven

    Leven Member

    Really I just want to know if there's any easter egg if you go up the stairs. If not then I don't care.
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  5. Vitellozzo

    Vitellozzo Member

    It's entirely not possible to go up those stairs. These are, in fact, not real stairs, but instead a customblock.
    <room width="9" height="16" name="Starting Room">     <!-- this must be the first room in the DB -->
      <row text="   ###   "/>
      <row text="  #####  "/>
      <row text=" ###3### "/>
      <row text="####4####"/>
      <row text="###5.6###"/>
      <row text="##.....##"/>
      <row text="##.....##"/>
      <row text="###...###"/>
      <row text="###...###"/>
      <row text="##1...2##"/>
      <row text="#7.....8#"/>
      <row text="#.......#"/>
      <row text="d.......d"/>
      <row text="#.......#"/>
      <row text="###...###"/>
      <row text=" ###D### "/>
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  6. Leven

    Leven Member

    Thanks. That was a bit disappointing, but at least there was no build up to that reveal.
    OmniaNigrum and Vitellozzo like this.
  7. Wolg

    Wolg Member

    There was talk of having the Tourist skill Get Away From It All doing something special if used on level 1, but I don't remember offhand if that got implemented.
    OmniaNigrum likes this.