Middle Class Ratios

Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by advkow, Sep 20, 2015.

  1. advkow

    advkow Member

    So as I'm playing, I'm high should a good mix of the middle class colonists be? At times they can make up more than half. Current playthrough of 14 total, 9 are middle class which means that assigning workshops can be tough, as only one or two people will be making food for the others. Does anyone else have problems with how many overseers they get?
  2. Samut

    Samut Member

    The whole thing where colonies start with just middle class colonists makes no sense, has never made any sense, and will never make any sense.

    Colonies should start with three Overseers and an NCO, and two labourers/soldiers under each of them. Twelve colonists. Then alter the 'you get an Overseer' event to be 'you get a new work crew' and give the player a new Overseer *and* two new labourers. Leave the lower class immigration event alone. If colonies are hitting 100 population too quickly, there are numerous ways lower class colonists can/should be made to die off more frequently.

    Too few Overseers shouldn't be a problem; either fiddle with the resource targets for a new workcrew to accomdate a lower starting level, or keep awarding new ones with the first resource level each time the event fires until you have seven Overseers.
    berkstin likes this.
  3. mailersmate

    mailersmate Member

    I can see the
    I can see the case for doing that with the initial colonists because that situation is a bit silly, but I'm not loving the idea of receiving more populated work crews. Reasons:
    1. It would completely fuck up the existing difficulty curve.
    2. It would remove much of the challenge of workcrew management
    3. Colonies would be highly vanulable to having more laborours than can possibly be assigned (athlough that would make for an interesting unclass unentitled to pretty much anything)
  4. advkow

    advkow Member

    Yeah I can understand that too. To be fair...I still want Overseers. I just feel that they are far too easy to get as they just drop into your lap? I can understand the peons coming, but the skilled should need to be earned?
  5. mailersmate

    mailersmate Member

    I personally wonder if the game isn't better served by removing middle class immigration altogether and using a school structure to train up the plebs. It would give the player most of the responsibility for getting the ratios into a state they want to work with, which remove alot of the "well now I'm stuck waiting for a crew leader to show up". You've then got a problem with players turning everyone into an overseer, but it should self balance because one man work crews are clearly not particularly effective.

    And then maybe the occasional middle class migrant in the normal pleb import.
  6. Alephred

    Alephred Royal Archivist for Queen And Empire

    Personally, I liked the system where players could choose to purchase either Overseers or Workers when it was immigration time, as you could select the option that suited you best at the time.
    liftvanwinkle, Kiojan and berkstin like this.
  7. liftvanwinkle

    liftvanwinkle Member

    I'd like to be able to choose either an overseer or colonist as well.
  8. Kiojan

    Kiojan Member

    I agree. Thematically, the colonization effort seems at least in part centered around ridding the home country of undesirables and/or relieving overpopulation. Why would they only send a handful of middle class and no unskilled laborers? And yes, I do miss the ability to select between lower class, middle class, anybody or no-one at all. Whatever problems it posed/would pose to game balance it was simpler and easier to work with.
    berkstin likes this.