Military Matters in Clockwork Empires.

Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by Imperial dane, Feb 14, 2013.

  1. Imperial dane

    Imperial dane Member

    Been eagerly following this game since i first learned about it many months ago. But one question that has been wanted to be asked for some time is. Well how will the Military side of things be handled ? I get the general impression you'll be gathering NCOs/Officers who'll come formed with troops already loyally following in step (In Theory)

    More curious about how it will be organized as such. Will there be some sort of Quasi military structure of platoons, companies, regiments and so on ? Barracks ? Outposts ? Fortresses ? And what about equipment for the troops ? But also a chain of command. Which rather leads to the second part of my questions.

    What sort of influence can you exert upon all of this ? Not expecting minute control of every unit. But some sort of general ordering ability might be nice. Quarantine said area. Deal with filthy Marxists in that quarter. Protect VIP who is vital to the efforts of the colony's very survival. Things like that. And i suppose since this is a game about disasters and how they multiply some sort of chain of command could be used to cause a bit of a mess with this since as the chain of command grows as platoons grows to companies and battalions are formed later on. Higher ranks are added. Things will tend to get a bit mucked up. Partly in understanding of orders: The Major might be a bit too cavalier when it comes to giving orders leading an unfortunate captain to misinterpret an order to form on parade as an order to attack the Local Poets Association as it has become a vile nest of Insidious influence. Or it might lead a Colonel when actual clearing out of things do happen that he decides to give some curious orders as to how it's supposed to be done.

    Although that is probably going to be awfully complex for what i know. But thought it could be an interesting way of doing the military in Clockwork Empires.

    And might just be me with some awfully big ideas in my head :p
  2. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    The whole military structure reflects the civilian class structure. So lower class labourers == footsoldiers, middle class bureaucrats/engineers/overseers == NCOs (non-commissioned officers eg. sergeant), and upper class aristocrats == officers (eg. general).

    NCOs lead squads of foot soldiers and these squads can be given context-appropriate orders like "patrol" or "guard" or "attack rebels". There will be military buildings like barracks and walls, and we'd like to have fixed artillery like coastal batteries. There will be Steam Knights; I think we're pretty committed to that, though I'll say that it comes down to what we have time to implement well. It would be cool to do a military-focused expansion/DLC, but it's way too early to properly speculate about what that would entail.

    So in general, CE is not intended to be a primarily military game but we want to design to allow it to be one of many valid paths for advancement. And not require tedious micromanagement of every soldier.
    Kamisma and Imperial dane like this.
  3. Imperial dane

    Imperial dane Member

    Oh i certainly was not wanting for that. If i wanted that. I'd play games that focused on that I was just hoping that there might be some military path to folow since in such a fascinating setting it would feel a miss.

    I figured there might be aspirations for artillery due to some early concept art showing some "logistics/artillery" fellow. Which for some reason had me thinking of improvising them into a fighting unit if things got dire.

    But thanks for the answer :) Much appreciated.
  4. Ruigi

    Ruigi Will Mod for Digglebucks

    I wonder, do you have to tend to the needs of your troops by painstakingly ordering the production of every single rifle butt and left boot or will the production and arming of militia be implemented in some other way?
  5. Imperial dane

    Imperial dane Member

    Well i do think i saw musket production mentioned in one of the blog posts. So to a certain extent you will have to tend to them. And i imagine you'd have to provide food and alcohol to keep them going. And also if you could then somehow implement an overall upgrade in equipment. Like say going from Regular musket to rifle.. or really big musket i suppose.

    But with Steam knights and other steam powered units (if there are) it becomes a lot less clear.

    Never mind what roles in general one could expect and how you get them.

    I mean i saw concept art that involved Grenadiers and Logistics/artillery in the beginning when i read about this. And we've got gents that look like regulars in other screenshots. So how would one go about getting Grenadiers ? Just equipment or something else ? And what of the Logistics gents ? Would they be able to handle supplies and say, minor construction work ?

    So many wonderous questions.
    Kazeto likes this.