Mod help.... if you would plz.

Discussion in 'Modding' started by Bladedemon70, Dec 23, 2011.

  1. Bladedemon70

    Bladedemon70 Member

    Can someone help out with the modding process...
    I have scanned the mod section of the forums and i still can't figure out what files will be needed to make an item mod....
    Maybe I missed something....
  2. ChristmasAsen

    ChristmasAsen Member

    You have to add a itemDB.xml file to the mod folder, as well as a folder named "items" with the item image image in it (if you want to use a image custom made that can't be found in the original items folder.)
  3. Bladedemon70

    Bladedemon70 Member

    ok is the itemDB XML empty except the item code being added and will I have to add a spellDB if it has an effect with it...

    sorry I'm new to it but willing to learn
  4. ChristmasAsen

    ChristmasAsen Member

    Yes, you only need to add the new items.

    It should look something like this:


    <item name="Fenrir" iconFile="items/cat_shield.png" artifact="1">
    <price amount="9001"/>
    <armour level="10" type="head"/>
    <resistbuff piercing="1"/>
    <artifact quality="5"/>
    <description text="Your loyal sidekick who sticks with you through thick and thin."/>


    And yes, the spell will have to be added to spellDB
  5. Bladedemon70

    Bladedemon70 Member

    Thanks anymore input is welcomed also probably will be back with more questions soon...
  6. Bladedemon70

    Bladedemon70 Member

    <itemname="Glass Sword" iconFile="items/sword_glass.png" level="5" type="0" craftoutput="1">
        <price amount="3750"/>
        <description text="Ooooo... Colorful and see through. Hope it doesn't break."/>
    Am I on the right track...
    also will i need to add the craftingDB to add the recipe...
  7. ChristmasAsen

    ChristmasAsen Member

    At a glace, everything looks correct. And yes, you will have to add the recipe to craftDB
  8. Bladedemon70

    Bladedemon70 Member

    Ok im going to keep asking on this thread... thanks for your help already ChristmasAsen

    My itemDB XML won't open to browser like all the other XML is it a problem in the code format...
  9. ChristmasAsen

    ChristmasAsen Member

    Did you include <itemDB> and </itemDB> at the beginning and end respectively?
  10. Bladedemon70

    Bladedemon70 Member

    Yes and It working now thanks again
  11. ChristmasAsen

    ChristmasAsen Member

  12. Bladedemon70

    Bladedemon70 Member

    Hey if post up my mod can someone check it over for me im still need to do icons for now but at least the code (spell looks tricky...)
  13. Null

    Null Will Mod for Digglebucks

  14. Bladedemon70

    Bladedemon70 Member

    sorry for taking forever but here it is.
    let me know what is wrong or so or if I am getting it.

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