Mod Suggestion Thread

Discussion in 'Modding' started by darrrel378, Dec 2, 2012.

  1. darrrel378

    darrrel378 Member

    So, while there are tons of very talented modders here, some people *coughmecough* can't mod for their lives, but still have some ideas. So, here is a thread to post them, where hopefully better modders can use the idea.

    My personal suggestion is a Final Fantasy Job Class skill list. So Black Mage, White Mage, Monk, etc. Of course, each one could be...changed to suit this game's style. Also, there are a lot of job classes, so you could make some cool stuff. What are your (y'alls?) suggestions?
  2. Alistaire

    Alistaire Member

    I think "very talented modders" are already pretty occupied with creating their own mods. I have for example just released 3 mods yet, of the 8 I've been working on since I purchased the game. Of course some ain't gonna make it to a release, but it's better to mod something you ain't gonna release anyways than being bored for half an hour.
  3. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    I know everyone who's been around here a long time is tired of hearing me say it, but it's gonna happen again. :)

    Darrrel: there's no such thing as someone who "can't mod". When I started modding DoD, I hadn't modded a damn thing before in my life, and I hadn't even touched a piece of programming language since high school. Less than nine months later, I have the single most popular mod in the game, and piles of my code have actually been incorporated into the main game.

    It's not about "ability to code". It's about "willingness to open an .xml file in notepad and dick with it until it does what you want it to." There's no skill or talent required, because if there was, i wouldn't be here. :)
  4. Spoon God

    Spoon God Member

    I couldn't agree more. All we do is open .xml files and literally dick around with them until we see results. I couldn't mod DoD for crap when I started but you can learn pretty darn fast if you apply yourself.
    Take a look at the Dredmod Wiki; there's a ton of stuff missing from it but it's a really neat place to start. Take a look at the game files themselves to learn the rest:
    ...\Steam\steamapps\common\dungeons of dredmor\game

    Come to think of it, maybe we would see a whole bunch of genius mods arise if the wiki were updated.
  5. Guys, we do all realise that 'keep dicking around with files until they actually work' is not a point if favour of DoD being easy to mod, right?
  6. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    No, but "I can mod this and I'm a freaking English major" totally is. :p
  7. Alistaire

    Alistaire Member

    Then make it happen, you lazy bum!
    I've worked on most of the reference page, but it's hard to work on a wiki all the time. If someone'd make a monster reference page, I'd be happy
  8. Spoon God

    Spoon God Member

    I totally would but there's no clear page to sign up / register... all I see is 'Login' and 'Forgot your password'. Am I being stupid?
    PM any replies so the thread stays on topic
  9. Tonlee01

    Tonlee01 Member

    Might I suggest (suggestion page and all /grin), from the Larry Correia book series The Grimnoir Chronicles,
    the "Magic" abilities that some people are born with. If you haven't read the series it would be hard to understand. However these people or "Actives" gain magic power that they store up and can use at their leisure. Most can only have one power but it can branch off into other sub abilities so say a healer or "Menders" can not just heal someone but can slow the bodies metabolic rate, see weakness or strength in people. A "Heavy" or "Gravity Spiker" can increase the gravity around objects or lessen it, change the direction of gravity, increase the gravitational pull around his/her body to strengthen it, increase/decrease the amount of force a projectile has. Cogs or "Thinkers" abilities increase their mental abilities (yeah I know duh but like Nikola Tesla or Thomas Edison on mental crack) but could increase crafting skills or give the cog a weapon/armor usage buff and the like. Travelers can teleport not just their selves but others as well. There is a opposite to a Mender called a Pale Horse or a person who inflicts terrible aliments on others from anything ranging from diarrhea to brain cancer. The list goes on and on from Beasties (eww mind out of gutter guys), Brute-strength and endurance, Boomer- making air molecules explode, Fade-think Kitty Pride of the X-men, Crackler- channeling, harnessing and controlling electricity, Mouth- influence others, Icebox- like a crackler but with cold. There are others but I can't think of them currently. If anyone has read the books and is interested in ideas and the like I'd be glad to assist.

  10. Bohandas

    Bohandas Member

    We need some bard classes. Anachronistic bard classes based on rock-and-roll, heavy metal, and possibly hip hop music; and also on the stereotypical behavior of performers in those genres (ie. drug abuse and trashed hotel rooms for rock/metal, an obsession with gold jewelry for hiphop and excessive boastfulness for all of them [the capstone for the rock-and-roll bard class should be entitled "Bigger than Jesus"])

    At least some bard abilities should scale to savvy (and/or some levels should grant bonuses to savvy) as savvy is officially described in-game as the primary ability of bards.
  11. Alistaire

    Alistaire Member

    I'd make it if I were any good at balancing skilltrees.