I've been modding some time, and came up with these suggestions: - Add random secondary/primary/resist buffs and damage on non-artifact items - Add some onEquip buff - Make it possible to check for or consume a specific item Random buffs on non-artifact items With this I mean adding the possibility to add random as damage type and id; Code: <item name='Random Sword' icon='items/sword_random.png'/> <weapon random='4' random='3' random='5'/> <secondarybuff id='random' amount='2'/> <primarybuff id='random' amount='3'/> <resistbuff random='12'/> <damagebuff random='1'/> </item> Now, it's only possible to add random stuff to artifacts with <artifact quality=""/>, which doesn't even always add random stats. Also, the huge problem is that, if it only works with artifacts, you won't find that item a lot, and it would replace other artifacts, making it even harder to get. ---- onEquip buffs Currently, it's really hard to make item sets or cursed items. You must add all possible item buffs there are to make the buff trigger eventually, and most of them don't work anyways. If this onEquipBuff exists, it would be possible to do things like making cursed equipment, making equipment hurt you, anything, without the item stating all hidden effects in the tooltip. It would make way better itemsets, because the buff would always trigger, as long as it's equipped. Of course you could add percent, to make it trigger only once in a while. ---- Checking for or consuming specific items It's only possible to make a spell check for weaponTYPES, and whether one has a shield or not. This is very unpractical for Tomes and, in a way, for item sets. If you could make a spell check for a specific item (let's say for a specific staff you get from a skilltree), you could make it so that the skilltree only works if you have that item equipped. This would be great for making item sets aswell; you could make a spell triggered by onEquip check for other items, and you would need only 1 spell to make a whole 8-piece item set work. Saves you 500 buffs.