Monster buffs stack indefinitely

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Vitellozzo, Oct 14, 2012.

  1. Vitellozzo

    Vitellozzo Member

    As for the title says, I'm pretty sure those buffs are bugged.
    As far as I've seen, I can recreate this bug using a modified spell from Essence Rebalance, a buff that should stack up to two times but it stacks infinitely.
    If you want to try, I can give the code.
    This goes into skilldb, it changes the 3rd level of Fungal Arts:
    <ability name="Moldsmith" icon="skills/rogue/fungus2_64.png" skill="28" level="2">
      <description text="You've mastered an art that makes any living, non-human creature more powerful by adding symbiotic mushrooms to their body. They need a bit more water and love, but it's worth the effort. You have to be adjacent to them to use this trick."/>
      <resistbuff toxic="1"/>
      <spell name="Symbiotic Toadstool"/>
      <targetKillBuff name="Sporification" percentage="10" />
    This, instead, goes into spelldb with no overwrite needs:
    <spell name="Symbiotic Toadstool" downtime="96" type="adjacent" icon="skills/rogue/fungus3_32.png">
        <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/flesh_heal/flesh_heal" sfx="flesh_heal" frames="7" framerate="100" />
        <effect type="heal" amount="20" />
        <buff usetimer="0" allowstacking="1" stacksize="2" self="0" icon="skills/rogue/fungus3_64.png" smallicon="skills/rogue/fungus3_32.png">
            <primarybuff id="0" amount="12"/>
            <primarybuff id="2" amount="12"/>
            <primarybuff id="3" amount="12"/>
            <resistbuff toxic="2"/>
    If someone knows a vanilla way to let monsters get buffs (aside from enraged diggles, I will test those asap) please lemme know.
  2. Avathacis

    Avathacis Member

    Monstrous Rage (when given to the player) seems to stack up to 5 times. Gonna try this on a pet.
    EDIT: Stacks indefinetely. My slime just critted a blobby for 256.
    Vitellozzo and SkyMuffin like this.
  3. Vitellozzo

    Vitellozzo Member

    very enranged diggle.png
    I have the proof. I just changed from the buff usetime=1 to 0.