Monster In-fighting

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by adelmagne, Aug 4, 2012.

  1. adelmagne

    adelmagne Member

    Can i has plox? because, bay12

    Of course, this shouldn't grant you any xp, and certain taxa are attracted(aggravated) to(by) other certain taxa.

    For example:
    • Fish Warriors hunt for 'demon' types
    • The AI Constructs hunt mustache demons
    • and so forth..
    also, the possibility of having two taxa on a monster?
    ie, Fish Warrior, Animal, Fish
  2. DoDgirl

    DoDgirl Member

    This poses a few problems: 1. The spawn rate in the game is NOT high enough for this to work. If animals hunted eachother as the current system is you'd be fighting fewer enemies ( don't bring up Invisibility ) and you'd STILL gain experience for this. This means that floors pretty much have to be split into themed factions that are indeed warring with one another for the system to see viable use.

    2. Doubling up on Taxa would be cool but there's not really enough in-game skillage for the Taxa to matter. Other than occassional passive it just isn't integral to character development and growth to make the change. Not to say it's a bad idea, but more along the lines of without some reason to do it it's kind of deadweight work.
  3. Alistaire

    Alistaire Member

    Are the monsters not supposed to guard Dredmor?
  4. rist

    rist Member

    all if monsters gard derdmor hes the lich on level 13