Monster zoo breaks...

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Felix Galvan, Dec 30, 2011.

  1. Felix Galvan

    Felix Galvan Member

    when you flee the floor to heal. when you return, the monsters are still there, but you don't get credit.
  2. lightmartyr

    lightmartyr Member

    I'd like to add that even escaping the zoo, closing the door, running, whatever and leaving it for a while can also break the zoo counter. Not even having to leave the floor your on.
  3. ScytheKnight

    ScytheKnight Member

    Ohh you don't even have to do ANYTHING for a zoo to break, once you get down to where teleporting mobs are prevalent zoos become a Russian Roulette of "Will I get all of them this time or will I be left with 1 monster left in the zoo for the entire level?"
  4. lightmartyr

    lightmartyr Member

    Really? I've got that a few times, I just put it down to some mob teleporting somewhere where I couldn't reach them.
  5. ScytheKnight

    ScytheKnight Member

    Yeah that's what I think happens as well, they teleport into a wall or something.
  6. Ruigi

    Ruigi Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Walking into brax's store on the same level also breaks the zoo.
  7. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    Nick mentioned that the shop breaking zoo bug was fixed (not live yet obviously) so rejoice.