More details on the gravestone

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Scorcher24, Sep 15, 2011.

  1. Scorcher24

    Scorcher24 Member

    In the forums I am moderator at, we have a highscore thread regarding this game with screenshots.
    Now it is hard to tell, who used which difficulty.
    So I propose you add difficulty and playtime to the gravestone.
    I think many people would like that.
  2. Scorcher24

    Scorcher24 Member

    Come on... no one has an opinion? :D Hard to believe :)
  3. Haldurson

    Haldurson Member

    More information yay?

    It's hard to get enthusastic about something that everyone has asked for (at least in general terms). To quote one of my favorite '70's movies "Knowledge is good".
  4. Scorcher24

    Scorcher24 Member

    I did several forums searches and no thread popped up with that topic. My apologies if it has been requested before.