Here's the new version of the Modding Tool I am working on. And soon kino5 will help me with it and it might become even worthy of that name! Added some important features to the tool (although it's still unfinished) so I would like you to comment, bring new ideas, blame at everything you consider wrong,... Please report the bugs you find or the crashes that may occur. Some screenshots here: Mod?h=dfd1fa If you want to download it just go here: Modder Tool.rar To choose the mod/dod folder you need to go to Options/Preferences, I recommend to click on "Save preferences" after you input them. ChangeLog 22/01/2012 - Fixed XML reading in commented files (still some errors, but won't crash as before). - Added a form to add parameters to abilities. - Added some parameters to abilities: primarybuff, secondarybuff, resistbuff and damagebuff. 12/01/2012 - First release.
A few notes: you can't have your mods zipped up and use this tool at the same time. Also, some mods (Disciple of Chaos) cause errors when you try to load them. Also, the Edit Spells button seems to not work. I'm honestly not certain that I'd ever use this to BUILD a mod, because I'm very accustomed to editing the XML in Notepad already -- but at the absolute minimum, this is a great tool for ripping the information out of other people's mods. I know I'm going to keep it around just for that purpose.
Thanks for comment. Actually I'm updating it to add more features, I want specially to see in which mods does it crash while loading so I can add more features.
I'm more of a text edit-y guy myself too (notepad++ ftw), but I respect seeing a more GUI utility. Thanks for joining us here on the forum.
Samupo and I were talking yesterday about his tool (we're friends from the same city) and we agreed to work together in this when we finish our college exams. We're are so excited to participate in this community, so if this project goes on, we'll let you guys know
Cool! It's a great idea, but doesn't (currently) seem to work with my mod (it threw some errors on load) and the syntax confused me a bit after just having gotten used to XML. I'd love to try it again a couple versions from now, though!
Actually, it has some xml reading error that must be fixed. The syntax is only temporal as in newer versions it will be replaced by a menu tool. The intention of the program is making modding easier and user-friendly for new modders as well as making a base mod for more complex ones.
I just had a break on exams so I've worked on a new version of the tool, actually more stable than the previous one (it reads Disciple of Chaos now with just a little error) and some newer features. If you like it, I'll continue developing it and adjusting it to future patchs in the game.
It shouldn't be sticky right now because some new features are needed. Feel free to try it and give feedback, I will keep working on it as soon as I got some of your opinions.
I have just been using it, and its great! It shows a lot of promise, I personally cant wait till the spell editor feature is ready for use.
What I'd like is to be able to give it an XML file and have it parse the file using Dredmor terminology (IE it recognizes <spell >) and throws errors on non-Dredmor text (like "hyparborian").
Uhm, that's an interesting funcionality. Maybe I'll try to work on it when I finish my mod, since Samupo gave the source code to me yesterday. If we work together in this, it could be a really nice tool.