So i have suggestions on multiple things....clockwork empires and this...umm website...i wasn't sure where to put it so if you want to move this to wherever you think this should be well i don't think you even need my permission but hay go ahead anyways to the suggestions 1st for clockwork all of it looks absolutely awesome but to me you put so much emphasis that its ok to fail it seems like your objective is to succeed but its so close to impossible to succeed that you shouldn't be surpised if you fail. Second of all that kind of ties in with the first suggestion i heard about the madness or whatever its called something that seems completely obvious to me that would help a lot of games is let you change some of the mechanics...i guess you could say. for example in this game when you make a game let us adjust how much madness can affect your citizens or how much madness can collect...(i guess is how you can put it) that way if you want an absolutely hiliarious game that does random things and you can just go off on a spin you can do it but for those players who don't want so much and want to be able to have more control...i guess you could say then they could. Now know next to nothing about making games and changing i'm not sure if implementing my idea is almost impossible or what but just throwing out suggestions. And it doesn't have to be madness their could be other mmm mechanics that you can let the players control of how they want it. when they start the would be tons of fun you could have a different game everytime within having a different story every time....absolutely amazing! now for my suggestions on the won't be as long as the clockwork empires to why i was thinking of putting it somewhere on the clockwork page but one of my suggestions ties into why i didn't. first suggestions is when i was looking for a post of where i could post something like this...on the clockwork forums i didn't see a way for me to specify which mmm thread or file of threads i wanted to search under...i searched for suggestions and got a whole lot of dungeons of dredmor posts...or whatever it is. now all i did was a quick look through of the search bar. I might have missed something like that...other things on the website your home page is good and all but when you have new news i'm not sure if its about the dungeon of dredmor or whatever or if its about clockwork least that was my first impression for the first few days i have been looking at it..but as more news comes out i just assume its for clockwork empires. i had other suggestions but right now i have other things to do and i can't quite remember the other suggestions i had. I will probably make a lot of work for whoever moves things around as a lot of the times i don't know where to post stuff. a lot of sites don't make things for my random thinking...of multiple srry for the person that moves posts :O thank you for your time!!!
i will probably just be posting under this thread for the rest of the time....cause it seems everything i think of is just random spouts of will all be for this site and clockwork empires though
For your site suggestions if you click the More button in the search popup you can go into advanced search and select which category to search under. And on the blog, the categories are written, so dredmor, clockwork empires, etc.