Unless I'm missing something bleedingly obvious, my character currently has more health regen than they should. I have an emerald encrusted gold ring, which gives me +2. but I'm sitting on +4, meaning I'm healing one point every 3 turns on DM. I've tried taking off all my gear one at a time and putting it back on, but it doesn't seem to disappear. I am playing with Necronomicononomics, so perhaps it's an example of that "inverse debuff integration" that I vaguely remember people talking about?
Yup, I reported this same issue, and posted two savegames, in the general 1.0.10 feedback thread. Both of my characters also used Necronomiconomics, so it seems likely the bug lies there. Necro characters seem for the moment unusable (at least so long as you expect the game to be challenging).
Any word on a possible fix for this infuriating bug? I just "lost" another necro character after several hours of play—lost in the sense that there's no point in my playing the character any further, since I do enjoy a challenge... :-( I've attached a save file. My character with no equipment and no buffs has 14 burliness, 63 life and 21 (!) health regen.