Mysterious new colonist

Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by Frontier Psychiatrist, Sep 14, 2014.

  1. In my most recent game, I received an alert that a growing number of my colonists were becoming interested in forbidden knowledge. Nothing big, it's expected for a growing colony to become curious and experiment with dark, uncontrollable forces at a certain age. But what was odd is that it seems that a lot of the cult activity gossip was coming from an unlisted colonist named something like Gertie Ironsly, or Ironworksmith or something. I clicked on her for more into on her character, and it said that she was not assigned to a work crew. Judging by her blue clothing she was supposed to be a middle class overseer, but she wasn't listed in any of the lists with the other colonists.

    Naturally, I had the militia respond by marking her for frontier justice. I didn't get to see how this effected the situation however, because the game crashed shortly thereafter. Has anyone else had an unlisted colonist show up like this? Especially one that seems to be keen on egging the colony towards forbidden knowledge?
  2. Necroscourge

    Necroscourge Member

    There are Upper Class colonists that do not show up in the work list. Capitalists, Aristocrats, however I have never seen such an individual look so middle class; they typically wear extravagant garb.
  3. If I remember correctly she was wearing a blue shirt with goggles around her neck.
  4. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    Ah, a naturalist! They can Explore (and will eventually do other things.)
  5. Alephred

    Alephred Royal Archivist for Queen And Empire

    Yeah, when you look at the big list of Colonists, you'll notice you can filter it to show everyone, or filter it by class (Lower, Middle, Upper). Most of your starting Colonists will be Lower Class, and your new Immigrants will be a mixed bag (though predominately Lower Class). Furthermore, Colonists with certain specific occupations (Capitalist, Naturalist, Poet, etc.) can never be assigned to work crews and thus never appear in the Work Crew widget (i.e. they can only be located via the Colonists interface, and not Work Crews).

    Naturalists are the dudes who will go explore your Explore beacons.
  6. Whoopsie. Maybe I should do this bureaucrat thing with less of an iron fist.
  7. Bernardo Orel

    Bernardo Orel Member

    Just kill them all and let Quag'garoth sort them!
    Viion and Frontier Psychiatrist like this.
  8. Alephred

    Alephred Royal Archivist for Queen And Empire

    "Who's this mysterious stranger who keeps blowing in and out of town, riling up the colonists with outlandish tales of distant wonders?"

    "Dunno, probably something to do with cults. Let's shoot her just to be safe."
  9. Andouce

    Andouce Member

    I had a new one earlier in my game. A Militia NCO but they were not assigned to a work crew or commanding one surprisingly :S

    They do look pretty cool though with their white gloves etc :D
  10. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    Wait, a militia NCO showed up in an immigration wave? Well, that's a bug...
  11. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    ... that shouldn't even be possible! - that'd be a civilian overseer spawning and set as militia, hmm. Which, no idea ...
  12. Andouce

    Andouce Member

    Very strange. I don't know where or which wave he came in. Just noticed him wandering with a pistol and was like that looks different. Then said "Militia NCO".

    I shall keep my eyes pealed for it again. *I guess that was meant to be a surprise :S*