The Hammer of Krong- Weapon Cass Weapon (registers as a sword, mace, ax, or staff)- Artifact level 10 This weapon wielded by the mighty Krong can solidify into any form it chooses, too bad it's shifted now into a crude resemblance of your weapon of choice. Go buffer it out on some enemies and see if that fixes it. acquired after preforming 23 Krongings w/ level 5 Smithing Only available w/ Realm of the Diggle gods Cannot be Purchased Cannot be corrupted Cannot be renamed Cannot be Kronged Sets weapon effect chance to 5 percent 2 Weapon effects can not occur at the same time All Krongings while wielding this weapon are positive with a +2 stat booster Starts with 1 random damage (max 2 per each damage), damage resistance (max 2 per each damage), 2 minor stat boosts (max 6 each listed below), 1 major stat booster (max 3 each listed below), 1 mentality booster (max 4 each), 1 crafting level (max 3 each) and 1 weapon effect (20 total) Each 23 kills the weapon receives a random Kronging (upgrade results in text saying "Do it faster, makes you stronger" and the Kronging sound) Each kronging takes place in this order: +1 damage +1 damage +1 damage +1 damage resistance +2 minor stat boost ( , , , , , , , , , , or ) +1 damage +1 mentality boost ( , , , , , or ) +2 minor stat boost +1 damage +1 damage resistance +1 weapon effect +1 major stat booster ( , , , , , , (15% to steal 3 health), or (15% to steal 3 mana) ) +1 crafting level ( , , or ) +2 minor stat boost +2 minor stat boost +1 mentality boost +1 weapon boost +1 damage +1 damage resistance +1 weapon boost +1 weapon boost +1 minor stat boost +1 crafting level +1 major stat boost +1 major stat boost +1 crafting level +1 mentality boost +1 damage +2 minor stat boost +1 weapon effect +1 weapon effect +1 damage +1 damage resistance +1 damage resistance +1 crafting level +2 minor stat boost +1 weapon effect Afterwards it will take place randomly based on the amount of stats that need to be distributed. This would be followed by smithing level 6,7 and 8 items.
s/Hammer of Krong/Destroyer of Balance Holy damn, it would be a fun toy but when it gets leveled up sufficiently it would make top tier artis like Hexaxe and Antihero sword look like crap. Also, corruption monsters =
This actually makes perfect sense to me, if it is something that could only be found deep down. To make it strong, you have to actually use it, which might mean making a quest back up to the top of the dungeon because the weapons you have already are so much better than even the impressive starting stats it has now (although honestly I would have those reduced, say, to having it do 1 bludgeoning). It would need to be prohibitive to buy from brax and unobtainable otherwise at lower floors, though.
Having such a superpowered weapon be given to you based solely on whether the RNG decides to give you 23 anvils seems a little unfair, especially considering it would make Dredmor MUCH easier for melee characters. (Which people who mostly play melee might want, I'm not one to judge that)
Keep in mind that if Diggle Gods is enabled 23 shouldn't be a problem and you have to kill hundreds of enemies just to get to a reasonable weapon level.
On the other side, keep in mind that some of us like No Time to Grind mode. I'd hate to have a powerful piece of equipment that has much less odds of spawning on my favorite play mode.
Also though, keep in mind that in no time to grind, there's no time to grind. This weapon requires tons of grinding and is not suitable for a speedrun.
Continuing off this, since ROTG greatly increases the chances of getting it, doesn't the weapon seen unfair to non-ROTG people? After all, they'd need 3 floors with 3 anvils and the rest with 2, as opposed to 2 or less on average for ROTG
Well you're right it is unfair unless one sacrifices another skill tree to Archaeology, so now it is exclusive to ROTDG. Thank you for bringing that up.
I don't even know if this game could make an artifact like that, but I'd like it. I'd like to know how one could make it powered up by the time you get it though. It would take forever...