Windows Vista/7 64-bit 'New Game' issue

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by AvzinElkein, Apr 11, 2012.

  1. AvzinElkein

    AvzinElkein Member

    When I open Dungeons of Dredmor, it accidentally stores my last picked skills in a dummy save which crashes instead of loading; when I actually try clicking 'Last', it just picks the first seven skills.
  2. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    Uhhhhhh, that's... I'm not even sure I understand.

    Delete the last.txt file that is in your savegame folder, then make a new character, quit and see if it remembers the skills you chose on that character.
  3. tejón

    tejón Member

    I'm getting a similar issue. The first time I start a new game in a session, Last picks Throwing, Unarmed, Burglary, Archaeology, Big Game, Vegan and Demonology. Last works correctly for subsequent characters (and last.txt reflects this), until I exit and restart, at which point last.txt is ignored and that same set shows up.

    Hunch: this may have been the last skill set I used before 1.10, and patch notes say Steam integration was added. Perhaps there's some sort of accidental reverse-cloud-sync going on?
  4. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    Hmm. That makes some sense. Again I would try to delete last.txt as well as loadsave.dat and the other savegames left and see what happens.
  5. tejón

    tejón Member

    Well, it's not Steam. Even with my router unplugged, a fresh last.txt with the abovementioned skills appears when I launch the game. So I guess either DoD keeps two copies for some reason, or UAC file virtualization is doing something stupid? :confused:
  6. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    What is this sorcery?
  7. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    Run the game with -nukesteamcloud *once* as a command line parameter. See if that clears this madness up.
    Kazeto likes this.
  8. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks

    That is the best command line parameter ever.

    I can just see the Dwarven Mod Loader pop up with a little box saying "DO YOU WANT TO PLAY A MODDED GAME? HOW ABOUT INTERNET THERMONUCLEAR WARFARE."
  9. tejón

    tejón Member

    -nukesteamcloud (from within Steam) doesn't fix it.

    Interestingly, launching from the commandline does (regardless of switches).

    But recall that it happens even when I'm physically offline. So... yeah.