An Idea: The Pact: Orb class item level 10 artifact You signed a contract with blood granting you immense power, now you have to pay out on your end of the bargain. 4 4 3 (damage for all attacks including spells) -7 +6 +6 +6 +10 +16 +10 -1 -2 (15% chance to steal 3 health) (15% chance to steal 3 mana) Infernal Contract activated when health is below 5% w/ no debuffs + 50 turn recharge Minor blood debt activated when at full health Soul price activated at full mana
Five percent is a little bit low in a game where casters (the kind of people who would use orbs) don't hit 50 HP until halfway through the dungeon. Also, having crippling debuffs applied to you at full health/mana is a good way to make sure that everybody uses this item if they can help it, whilst keeping a backup offhand in case their bars are in danger of being full. This idea would probably be best as a skill; that way you can't just swap items to get rid of the bad stuff.