nice / 'good' biomes

Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by mailersmate, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. mailersmate

    mailersmate Member


    Long time, no post!

    I am quietly excited for CE as I know many of us are, particularly with the scenario generating craziness of all various ways of accidentally exploding / maddening to death a colony, and a thought has struck me.

    Is the team planning on including a good type biome? (We're generating worlds, right?) Or at least neutral ones that are free of the more extreme nasties / invaders / artifacts. I sometimes like to play in a more relaxed scenario where it's easier to focus on self imposed goals. I'm thinking that 'good' biomes would enable new goods like unicorn horns, giant pearls ect that could be used for a refreshing change of decor / new technologies.

    P.S What types of things will the name generator be naming?
  2. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    We have a vague notion of "difficulty" being linked to distance from the Capitol. The closer you are to the center of the Empire, the more Orderly and Rational the world is. The farther you are, the more, hmm, strange and dangerous the world gets. This may also has implications for commodity prices and so on.
    Kazeto and mailersmate like this.
  3. Imperial dane

    Imperial dane Member

    Hmm. Sounds pretty clever, and in fitting with the entire universe. Though question is what causes it to be more orderly and rational (some sort of relic or machine ?)
    Kazeto likes this.
  4. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    The metaphysics of the CE universe probably deserves its own blog post (and probably for a time when it is all actually connected to gameplay), so this shall remain Mysterious for now, methinks.
    Kazeto likes this.
  5. Imperial dane

    Imperial dane Member

    Interesting. Then i shall save some questions i have been having on the subject of Metaphysics and religion for then.