When entering a portal on level 1 the game crashed to desktop. Steam version with both DLC applied. Would be happy to provide a game save and or crash report if I could be directed as to where they can be found.
In the same folder as the exe, a .dmp file with a name that is the exact time and date of the crash (something like 2012-06-06_08-11-32.dmp). It should be in ...\steam\steamapps\common\dungeons of dredmor PS: If you're running a bunch of mods, it's not going to be that helpful to the debugging effort.
There's a known bug that mysterious portals occasionally crash, but yes if you have a .dmp file please upload it. Until it's fixed, save for good measure before entering a portal.
Oh bother no .dmp file. Oh well, will save before portaling into the unknown. Should one generate I will upload it.